Your Questions About Direct Movie Links

Helen asks…

Any links of movies of roxane mesquida? Torrents or direct download. Just for collection.Thanks in advance ^_^?

Torrents will be more helpful. :))

admin answers:

Go to and search her movies: Sheitan, Rubber, Une vieille maitresse, Kaboom, etc.

Mary asks…

where can i watch halloween night 2006 the movie online need answers fast?

need a direct link to the video or parts

admin answers:

“I watched Halloween night 2006 at and it was good quality”

Paul asks…

how do i read movie files from a memory card?

i bought a panasonic legria HF R205 yesterday. the software on the disc only allows me to import stills?
i dont have a program that can let me access the video files.
i tried this linking the camera direct to a laptop, and it doesn’t recognise whats there.
i’ve tried removing the memory card from the camera, and putting this straight in to another laptop – now it plays, but i have no sound (sound is on film when played through the camera)

admin answers:

What program did the video play on Windows Media? Is your laptop new? And have you checked your laptop’s sound settings or the file player’s sound settings?

William asks…

All of the episodes/specials/OVA and movies of One piece?

can someone give me the links for the onepiece anime show, meaning all of the specials and movie links and anything and everything that is related to one piece. Well, I am up to date with the anime and manga but i have never watched a single one piece special/OVA nor any of the movies. Can someone please give me a direct link… it will be extremelyely appericated.
Thanks Man… Lynx ( I just needed those names and that awesome lookin list)… Thankyou!
Thanks Man… Lynx ( I just needed those names and that awesome lookin list)… Thankyou!

admin answers:

Well I don’t know where you can watch it online but I surely do know where u can download it.

They are torrents.

Laura asks…

ok I need a movie website?

ok./Im looking for a website that will let me watch the Dukes of Hazard movie 2005 i would like a direct link. Also i would like one for Madeas Family Reunion if possible.
ok i would like a movie website.. Like a direct link too two movies Dukes of hazard 2005 and madeas family reunion.They have to be free

admin answers:

This is the best website, and it gives you a few options for watching:

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