Your Questions About Direct Movie Links

Sharon asks…

Where can I watch the movie Slumdog Millionaire online?

post direct links please.
I don’t want to download the movie, so this link is useless for me…

admin answers:


Sandra asks…

where can i watch naruto movie 2 in English?

i know its out in english and i’ve watched but i cant find it anywhere if u can plz help me with that a direct link would me great thanks

admin answers:

Here’s the direct link. ^^

Nancy asks…

Have they shown these upcoming movie trailers yet on the Superbowl?

I just got home and I was wondering if they have shown any of the following trailers during the superbowl…

-Battle Los Angeles
-Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (Trailer #2)
-Transformers 3

If they have can you direct me to the page showing these trailers via links please..!

admin answers:

Not yet

Lisa asks…

Where can i watch the movie…?

“where the heart is” with Natalie Portman in it online? because i loovvveee that movie and havent seen it in a long time.

Please give me a direct link if possible.

thank you. =D

admin answers:

Watch movies links. Net

That movie is great and it’s sooo sad and heartwarming. It’s on right now on More Cinemax (MOMAX) channel 112 here on DishNetwork in Arkansas.

Richard asks…

Can someone give me links to the halo movie trailer?

Also, is peter jackson directing it?

admin answers:

Peter Jackson is not directing. I believe he has backed out, and there is no trailer because they have not started filming yet.


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