Your Questions About Direct Movie Links

Donald asks…

Who know? where i can find torrent downloader to direct to handset for Nokia E90 please link to me thank you?

Any Software application to nokia e90 like a vuse or torrent i can download movies and musics direct to my handset please send to me link thank you

admin answers:


Sharon asks…

Help finding a movie online!?

I need to watch the movie The Fly for a class of mine. Problem is, I can’t find it at any library or store I’ve gone to! But I really need to watch it tonight, yeah I know, great last minute planning. Is there a place online I can watch it? I’ve looked at a ton but none have it. I figured teens would know how to find it, at least, teens that aren’t computer challenged like I am.

It’s called The Fly, and it’s the original, from 1958. There’s a remake but I don’t want to watch that one. Could you find it and post a direct link? Its really important that I watch it tonight. Best answer will be chosen as soon as someone gives me a link that works with the movie.


admin answers:


There you go! (:

Richard asks…

what movie was that were the anchorwoman turns into a werewolf

just wondering. Maybe you can give the direct link to youtube

admin answers:

The Howling (1980)

hope thats it

David asks…

anyone know a direct link to watch Blade Trinity online?

plese dont give me links. they r too slow,
i tried searching in and, it just gives me 2 minute trailers. cant find the full movie.

admin answers:


Paul asks…

where can i find Bella’s Lullaby? the one thats played in the actual movie.?

can you give me a direct link maybe?
that would be helpful
but if you saw the movie, i would like the son gthat edward plays at the piano with bella next to him

anything would help
i mean the SHEET MUSIC!!
sheetmusic sheet music sheet music

admin answers:

Ohhh sheet music 😛

i was going to say the soundtrack from itunes >.<

garrrrrr – idk 🙁 … I guess a start would be to find out who wrote it – and search for it that way … Sorry 🙁

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