Your Questions About Direct Movie Links

Ken asks…

Jannat 2 movie songs….?

songs of the Bollywood movie jannat 2…can someone get me a direct link pleaseee……………

admin answers:

Original songs are not yet released but these r leaked ones some r not complete or not in good quality but good for the time till original comes

Richard asks…

Where can I WATCH Gumby, The movie online?

please send me a DIRECT link as to where it is. the specific movie is the one where they go to space or something like that. and when gumby joins back up with is band (the clayboys) all i know is that its called “Gumby, the movie.” i want to watch it online, so PLEASE! dont send me a link to some place where i can buy it. i dont want to by it. i want to watch in online. so please send me a direct link there. for example dont say if its in youtube. i wanna see blah/4321/%$#@/ blah blah. k thanks!

admin answers:

You can watch The Gumby movie online for free at:

Donald asks…

i need a valid link to download “notorious” the movie!!?

please i need a direct link to download “notorious”
i have been searching for it for while and i dont find it

admin answers:

You can stream it off 1channel

to download movies, use torrents, Get a ‘client’ like utorrent, then go onto a torrent site like Extra Torrent, search the film and get it. Utorrent will do it all

Mary asks…

Where can i order a V for Vendetta Mask? In the movie, it’s made of metal. Where online can i order a metal 1

In the movie, V gets hit in the face, and the man who hits the mask hurts his hand, therefore it has to be some type of metal?

where online can i order an official metal one?
i need a direct link,
don’t just say “check ebay”

admin answers:

The only one i can find is made of porcelain

Susan asks…

Where can I watch Constantine online?

Can someone link me to a page where I can watch the movie Constantine? High quality preferred, and a DIRECT LINK, not a page where I might find the movie.

admin answers:

Http:// they were playing it here a couple days ago. Not saying its on right now…

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