Your Questions About Direct Movie Links

Michael asks…

Movie Auditions?

I’m looking for auditions for a movie or commercial for a 11 yr old girl that lives in STL. Medium hair. caucasion. A website link or something. And don’t make it STL auditions homepage or something, because it’s hard to find stuff for a girl like me. Just a direct link to the audition.

admin answers:


John asks…

Movie help…………..? ?

So I recenetly saw the movie Nick and Norahs Infinite playlist and fell inlove with it and ever since I saw it I’ve been craving watching it.

Can ANYONE please give me a direct link of where to watch it. Please don’t give me any link to any site but, one your sure will have it, that I don’t have to pay for or sign up for or anything.

Thanks so much to every one who answers your answers are greatly appreciated!!!

admin answers:

See it again in the movies or wait till it comes out on DVD.

I know! Its SUCH a good movie! I loved it too!

Patients my friend, patients

Robert asks…

Jennifer’s Body Movie Script?

i found another link on here that had the jennifer’s body script but my computer would not allow me to read it at all, so i was wondering if someone has a copy of the movie script starring Megan Fox that they could send me by email or if you have a direct link to it by any chance ? i would appreciate it to much thanks!

admin answers:

Richard asks…

Movie Poster (The Chumscrubber)?

Does anyone know where I can find a movie poster for the film “The Chumscrubber”? Please don’t say anything like “” or some other generic poster site, because I’ve checked them. If you have a direct link to a poster I can buy, that would be fantastic. I guess this question pertains mostly to people who already have a Chumscrubber poster and know where to find it.

admin answers:

Hey, sorry I can’t help, but I thought I’d share your pain. I love that movie, and about 2 years ago, I spent about 2 months looking all over the internet for a poster of the movie. Couldn’t find one, which was depressing.

Sorry to not be of help, but I just remember searching for this myself. It sucks 🙁

James asks…

Where can i watch the movie “8 Mile” online?

The direct link??

admin answers:

Have you tried Netflix?

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