Your Questions About Direct Movie Links

Richard asks…

Where can I download a direct link for the movie, Snow White and the Huntsman?

Tnx for your reply.. I appreciate it very much…

admin answers:

It’s not even in theaters yet. It will be out on June 1st.

Nancy asks…

can someone give me the direct link of the movie footloose the remake?

i wanna the REMAKE of 2011 not the old one! thank youuu 🙂

admin answers:



John asks…

Where can I watch Terry Perry’s “Good Deeds” Movie? I need a direct link that works well please.?

I’ve been trying to watch it on one link I found. But it is taking forever to load and it’s really slow and freezes alot. So if anyone can find me a better link I would appreciate it. Thank you so much.

admin answers:

Cheech & Chong’s Up in Smoke
Cheech & Chong’s Next Movie
Cheech & Chong’s Nice Dreams

Laura asks…

Pls where can i get direct links for .mkv movies?

not torrent or any filesharing site,just d direct link for hollywood movies? Tanks

admin answers:

All those streaming websites are garbage, sorry. They let you watch for a certain amount of minutes then expect you to pay. Torrenting is your best bet. It isn’t high risk or anything, and you can get way better quality, as well as put them on DVDs to watch in your standalone DVD player and/or console.


Lisa asks…

need direct link to see the movie april showers?

can someone send me the link to the new april showers movie

admin answers:

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