Your Questions About Direct Movie Links

Helen asks…

Is there a site that will host movie files that you can hotlink from?

I have several flv and mov movies that i need to hotlink to. Is there a site that will host them for free? Youtube doesn’t allow hotlinking or direct links to the flv file.

admin answers:

You can watch this in 1080p HD quality for free here:

Joseph asks…

where can i find the movie “the natural” online?

i have to read it as a summer reading book and i just finished it yesterday. i now want to watch the movie. give me a direct link to the movie if you can, i know a lot of websites for movies and i cant find it on any of them. thanks!

admin answers: or are the best places, so far

Daniel asks…

What happened to

I’m trying to find a GOOD, DECENT site that has full-length movies…Specifically “Valentine’s Day” and “Dear John”…anybody have any direct links to where I can watch those? Much appreciated. Thanks 🙂

admin answers:

You can watch The Dear John movie online for free at:

Betty asks…

Where can I watch “Clue” the movie online?

I’ve been looking all over the internet and I can’t find anything! Can someone find me and give me a direct link to watch this movie? Thank you SOOOO much! 😀 <3

admin answers:

You can watch it here at The Mainframe. Streaming and free. 🙂

Direct link:

Maria asks…

Is it illegal to direct people to movies on websites?

like say all those movie sites that say they don’t host
but they provide links to movie/tv shows hosted on another site

isn’t that illegal?

admin answers:

If you assist someone to knowingly break a law then yes you are doing something illegal. Will you ever get caught and prosecuted? Very doubtful. Police have enough other stuff to worry about. If they went after anyone it would be the people that run those sites and those that actively use them.

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