Your Questions About Direct Movie Links Free

Mary asks…

Movie JOSHUA “The Fly” David Matthews song FREE piano sheet music?!?

Can someone give me a direct link to sheet music to this song by Dave Matthews in the movie Joshua?? Youtube link to song:

admin answers:

Sorry, dont know. But, get the lyrics at: or .net

Betty asks…

Where can I watch Happy Gilmore for free?

I really want to see this badly, so I don’t want you to give me the name of a website, I want you to give a direct link right to the movie. 10 points for best answer.

admin answers:

Here you go…

Happy Gilmore (1996) –


Maria asks…

where can I find the movie “boy”?

Alright so a few days to a few weeks ago in new Zealand there was a movie released called “Boy”.
Anyone that can find a direct link to the *free* watching of the movie gets 10 points. I’ve checked most internet-movie-websites and they don’t seem to have it.

PS. the link must be to a free pirated version, cos I don’t has the money to buy it lol

admin answers:

You can try it from YOUTUBE site. May be you get it ..

Helen asks…

Where can I watch the movie “Dumplings” starring Bai Ling online for free?

i want to watch it…does any one have a direct link please like for megavideo….I appreciate direct url thanks

admin answers:

It’s on Netflix streaming. If you haven’t had Netflix before you can sign up for a free trial.

Nancy asks…

I want to watch an online movie? Anyone know any good free sites?

I’m trying to find The Time Travelers Wife movie online and watch it. But all I keep finding are previews. Can anyone send me the direct link to actually watching the full film. I don’t care if its bad quality. I just had surgery recently and I’m stuck in bed, also I dont a link that will lead to more links, or I don’t want to click on a link and have to answer surveys. I want the link and the I want to be able to hit play and watch the movie, as simple as that. Help please. Thanks.
Thanks to those who’ve answered so far….but I know the sites, I need the link for the movie….
Example: and then theres this link that would take you directly to the clip…thats what I need.

admin answers:


thats the link to watch free movies but The Time Travelers Wife isn’t featured yet. I already looked. Wait a couple more weeks and check again. I’m pretty sure once the movies been out, a link will pop up sooner or later. Hope this helps!

(you might have to retype the link into your url. I’m not good at copying and pasting)

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