Your Questions About Direct Movie Links Free

Jenny asks…

i want to watch a movie on the internet for free?

i really want to watch the movie camp rock on the internet.
can anyone give me a direct link?

admin answers:

Search the title here:
for a list of places to watch it online for free.

David asks…

Anyone know where I can watch Romper Stomper for free online?

One of my friends reccomended it to a LOOONNNG time ago and Ive been trying to find it on free movie websites ever since.

Have any direct links to the movie that work? Id prefer if it wasnt on a youku server, but if thats all they have, Ill take it

admin answers:

I doubt you’ll be able to find it on a site like that, since it’s older and never made it to the mainstream.

You might be able to download the .torrent of the movie.

If you don’t want to do that, just go to Blockbuster or Hollywood Video, or rent it from Netflix.

Linda asks…

Anybody know where i can watch Religulous online for free?

i prefer a direct link to the video but a free movie video website will do 🙂

admin answers:

It might be on

Donald asks…

Anime Movie Question: knowledge on anime needed?

ok another anime question
1. is there an english dub of Horus, Prince of the Sun if so could someone tell me where i can watch it online for free, a direct link would be useful
2. is there an english dub of only yesterday if so could someone tell me where i can watch it online for free, a direct link would be useful
3. Also does anyone know any good anime movies in english direct links to where i could watch these films would be good also it would be good if it was free i cant sign up to anything that could give me viruses or cost ETC
4. And does anyone know where i can watch the movie of astro boy online for free in english

admin answers:

You’ll find plenty of anime episodes and movies at Http:// is the best place for subs. For just dubs, visit or

Mark asks…

Where can I watch the movie Amelie online for free?

Please give a direct link.

admin answers:

Go to
Good Luck!

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