Your Questions About Direct Movie Links Free

Betty asks…

Freedom Writers…?

Does anyone have a direct link to watch the movie “Freedom Writers” for free without a membership…? i went to go rent it but there werent any left… and i NEED watch it for tmrw!
freedom writers.. as in the movie with hillary swank btw

admin answers:

Nope, nothing is free in this world

Daniel asks…

Watch Animal House Online?

I need a direct link to watch the movie National Lampoons animal house online for free please. I can’t find it anywhere.


admin answers:

Thomas asks…

watch JUNO online free??

so i have been wanting to watch juno for a long time!!! does anyone have a >>>DIRECT<<< link to the movie?? i would appreiciate very much.

admin answers:

Juno isn’t available right now anywhere for free online. But, in about 3 days, should have the movie juno. It’s a great site, even for watching other movies.

Best of luck!

Susan asks…

Freedom Writers Online?

I would like to know a website that i could watch free movies. I want to watch Freedom Writers. If you can give me a direct link, that would be great. Otherwise, please recommend some sites. Thank you.

admin answers: it is great for movies and tv shows

Joseph asks…

link to watch Ishq Hai Tumse Online?

can someone please give me a direct link so i can watch the movie Ishq Hai Tumse Online for free? has Bipasha Basu and Dino starring in it. Thanks

admin answers:

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