Your Questions About Direct Movie Links Free

Thomas asks…

Why is the movie I Can’t Think Straight no where to be found online to watch for free?

If you have found it online free please please please please give me the direct link. It will be greatly greatly appreciated!! Thanx in advance!!!
If you arent going to give legit answers please don’t answer. Don’t judge the movie it donesn’t matter what kind or movie it is. So basically if you don’t have the answer im looking for don’t even bother!

admin answers:

go there. U will find it.
I am sure ur happy. 🙂

Lizzie asks…

Does anyone know where i can watch the 1998 movie Armageddon online for free?

i’m sure your all familiar, bruce willis…..big asteroid…..end of the world??
anyways if anyone knows where to find it please let me know, direct links would be a huge help =]

admin answers:

I love that movie! Im not sure about any websites, but see if they have their own website. If not, then just buy the movie.

Helen asks…

where can I find the pink floyd movie the wall for free online?

any places? the direct link would be appreciated. (=
I cant find it there! can you give me a direct link?

admin answers:

or if you have netflix
search it in the watch instantly they have it there

Richard asks…

Where can I watch the movie “Charly” based off of the book called “Flowers for Algernon”?

I want to know where to watch it somewhere free with a direct link please. I’ve already tried to look for it everywhere on the internet but still no luck.

admin answers:

“Charly” is getting to be an older movie and it may not be posted to any of the theft-sites, and it may seem like a strange suggestion but, depending on where you live, a local library may have a copy which you could check out for up to two weeks without any cost. Daniel Keyes novela “Flowers for Algernon” won several literary awards back in the early sixties, and the movie adaption was one of the first things many libraries went out of their way to acquire when they started providing video tapes and DVD for their patrons. I check my local libraries holding via my PC and found my library does have a copy of “Charly” but a town not far from here (by Wyoming standards) does have a copy and I could obtain that copy for up to two weeks if I wanted, for a $2 inter-library loan. If I lived a little over a hundred miles to the south, I could check the DVD out for no fee whatsoever. Your local library may not have a copy of “Charly,” but it just might and it wouldn’t hurt to find out if they do.

Sandra asks…

Where can I watch South Park the Movie online for free?

I want a direct link that will take me to a website that will be a click away to watching the movie. For example, you wouldn’t say, you would say

admin answers:


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