Your Questions About Download Direct Movie Links

Daniel asks…

Anyone know where I can watch…?

Death note movie 2 : the last name?

I perfer a download because when i watch it online the audio and video are always off.

If there is a good quailty and austio and video are good, then ill watch it online.

please give me a direct link


thank you.

admin answers:


James asks…

where can i watch “the movie hero” online?

This move is directed by Brad T. Gottfred and stars Jeremy Sisto.. I’m trying to locate it online so that i could watch it.. can someone please help me..
or could i recieve a link so that i could download it?.. thank you

admin answers:

The probably have the movie at New Movie Downloads. My favorite place to watch movies and tv shows is net movie downloads. They have awesome quality and selection. Definitely worth checking out, enjoy.

Mandy asks…

Japanese suicide movie?

It’s called Jisatsu Sakuru and i tried to find it at the video shop coz they’re normally good with Japanese directed films but they didn’t have this one.
It was highly recommended to me by someone and i’d love to see it.
Anyone know some links so i can watch it over the internet.
Preferrably something i don’t have to download 😉

Thanks so much!

admin answers:


There it is for streaming, I just watched it this morning actually.. And did you try looking for it under it’s american name? (Suicide Club or Suicide Circle)

Richard asks…

youtube help?

whenever i go to youtube and attempt to play a movie, the space where the movie is supposed to be playing is filled with a message saying something along the lines of “hello, you either have javascript turned off or you have an outdated version of flash player. click here to get the latest flash”. Whenever i click on the link, i am directed to adobe’s download page, where i proceed to click the download button. It says that flash was successfully installed. however,when i return to youtube it says the same message i previously received about not having the correct flash player of javascript turned off. any help or suggestions?

admin answers:

It ain’t neither!! The message is a catch-all for when things don’t go as planned. Who would have believe that MS would change things in security for javascript that would CLOBBER flash?

You have to relax the security level, or just try it inside firefox!

Laura asks…

I guess something is wrong with the working of my pc?

I had visited a website ( to download an islamic movie, but instead of downloading, it asked me to first install java.
I did(from the website
After that when i again clicked on “download the movie“, a dialog box opened to ask “Run” and “Don’t Run”. I clicked on run, but it did nothing. I did this thrice, then I felt the link isn’t working so I retreated.
But from then on my pc has turned a bit slow, however, opening the Internet Explorer doesn’t mean it directs me to some unknown website, so I decided it isn’t spyware. But I am still not sure.

I have a registered Quick-Heal antivirus, which I update regularly.It doesn’t indicate any virus existing.

If anything might be wrong with my pc, how should I know? What do I do? Plz help.

admin answers:

Sounds like you interrupted a download and you have an open ended file waiting to be finished off.
Sometimes it best to let the “confuser” <-computer-< go for hours

Try "Ccleaner" by Piriform (free and quite good) Clean up your registry.

You didn't say what you're using as a Web Browser …
Be it Mozilla, FireFox or IE ….. Reload it

If that doesn't help try BeLarc-Advisor (also free) it takes awhile but gives you a GREAT snapshot of ALL your computer goodies and their status.

The nastiest possibility is that the movie you're trying to download is infected !
The "slow" indicates the computer is confused <—-Hence my nickname "confuser"—<

Delete any AV program you're running
Load "Avast" You’ll find it. The program will update itself every 240 min by default
Run and allow for updates.
Once done and re-booted run “Boot-time” scan <—this might take awhile !
You may be asked occasionally to re-direct a file somewhere <——– I delete them

Read up about Avast's "Sandbox" then try to download your movie! has NEVER failed me!

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