Your Questions About Download Movies Legal

Maria asks…

I try to download (legal) movies and they always stop at 30mb. Any advice welcome. I am on Windows XP and IE.

No matter how large the file is, say 200mb, the ownload always stops at 30mb. It has sometimes gone to 31.5mb but never any more.

admin answers:

Check your computer’s memory. Maybe your computer can only handle 30mb.

Nancy asks…

Is it legal to download movies and burn them from Limewire?

I mean, they’re right there for anyone to do it, so is it legal from Limewire to do so?
I always thought it was illegal by Piracy laws.

admin answers:

I’m Not sure on the exact laws, but it is probably not 100% legal.

That being said I do it all the time although not from limewire, as long as you are not going out and selling the movies for profit, the law isn’t going to break your door down.

Linda asks…

Where can I find legal movies to download of my computer?

I have heard of places like movies6 and watch-movies but i don’t know if there legal and i really don’t want to get caught.

admin answers:

You can find what you want here,just have a try
good luck!

Sharon asks…

Is there a free legal website where I can download movies?

I want to download some good movies, but not illegally.

admin answers:

There are websites to watch that are legal with good but not very latest films.
There are many public libraries with DVD’s to loan for free.
There is Netflix and Blockbuster that are not awfully expensive, and a few similar services
There are many Redbox and similar with very low price overnight rentals

Technically, you cannot be prosecuted from watching what is broadcast over the web illegally, but to download and sell or give away is illegal.
Top 2 free are,

Michael asks…

Why is it whenever I use a *legal* p2p program to download movies or music the speeds are never the same?

I sometimes download music and it downloads at 250-280kb/s and sometimes it only does 60kb/s

Does it have to do with how many users are sharing it or what?

admin answers:

What do you mean by a legal P2P program? All P2P programs are legal, the illegal part comes into play with the files. Downloading files that are under copyright is illegal. Downloading files that are not under copyright is legal. Downloading speed all depends upon the machines that are doing the sharing. There may be fewer seeds, or they may have slow connections, or it may be that your ISP throttles P2P traffic.

Can you be more specific about your problem? What app are you using and what are you downloading, and from where?

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