Your Questions About Download Movies Legal

Mary asks…

what is the best legal way to download movies on a creative zen vision?

admin answers:

Shooot, I didnt see the legal thingy till after i had already clicked on it. GL on that issue. IM me if ya need help

Jenny asks…

is there some pre paid monthly card that you could download music and movies legal online with the card?

i mean like a card that would pay a month of online movie downloads and stuff like that that is legal.

admin answers:

Musicmatch Jukebox had something like that, but it was only for music. I hear they are trying to merge it with Yahoo music, so I don’t know what features are being kept.

Mandy asks…

Is there somewhere I can download movies for $10 monthly and is legal ? Please if you know something help me?

I heard and saw on TV a internet site where I can download the software have a 14 day free trial and then pay $10 monthly and is completely Legal. Please Answer this question.

admin answers:


Sandy asks…

were can i download legal movies from and pay 4 them?

admin answers:

… V.v’… Uhhhh… Just search for sites on Yahoo if you want to waste money to download something you can get for free via Azureus.

Joseph asks…

Looking for a paysite to download movies and TV series?

I have used P2P programs, but I am looking for quality, legal downloading of movies with great download speeds. I enjoy Rhapsody for downloading music and listening online. Looking for somthing similar, but for movies

admin answers:

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