Your Questions About Download Movies Legal

Mary asks…

is there a site ont he internet were you can download music and movies which are legal?

i need a site were you can download any music and any movies where you pay money which is legal too?
preferbly an english site

admin answers:

I like They even give you a free trial to see if you like it. Great quality and no viruses too. Their site says it is completely legal.

William asks…

is it legal or illegal to download movies from shareaza?

bc i dont share my movies to other users.i disable the file sharing so no users cant download my files.i keep most of the films to myself.i dont even sell help me out guys.thanks.

admin answers:

It is illegal to download any copyrighted material without express written permission from the copyright holder.

Donna asks…

Is it legal to download free 3gp movies for free on internet?

admin answers:

Yes, it totally is. You can download these movies from

I personally find this website very great for download movies totaly free!
No need for any credit card or make any account or take up a membership. You just visit the site, click the download button, then click the download button on left of your movie. And the download starts. Very easy stuff!

Ken asks…

are there a website that offer legal movie download, with reasonable price and good choice of latest movies?

how about in USA and/or in Europe too?

admin answers:

Check out
You can download Over 100 million movies for free

Lizzie asks…

Is it legal to download movie ?

Is it legal to download movies that have not went to threates and new releases and sell them.

admin answers:



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