Your Questions About Download Movies Legal Free

Michael asks…

watcihng movies for free online: is it legal?

i know that downloading recent movies is illegal, but what if the movie has been out for a long time and you are not even downloading it? is it still illegal?

admin answers:

The age of the movie only matters if it has fallen into public domain, which will take somewhere around 100 years. Otherwise, you can legally watch movies online if the website you are watching it on is licensed to distribute the movie, like iTunes is.

The question of whether or not you are downloading or streaming is more interesting. I don’t know. If you are watching copyrighted material on a website such as youtube are you breaking the law? I wouldn’t think so, but the DMCA is pretty crazy — I would like to know more about that.

Note that it is definitely illegal to download copyrighted movies from an unauthorized distributer, even if you aren’t making a profit — and people have been legally pursued by the MPAA even though they were not selling the material they downloaded.

Jenny asks…

hey are there any websites to watch movies on for free and are legal?

heya everyone, basically i wanna know if there are any websites where i can watch movies on for free which are legal and i don’t have to download anything

admin answers:

Hey i have one Site that will rock your world. Its a registered Site in Germany. And contains every movie from A to Z that was ever made. Each movie in 3 or more languages

I Also have a torrent site which supplies movies Not Legal but, The creator has made his torrents invisible for many plagiarism software’s

Hope you know to download torrents
If not see this

Joseph asks…

Is limewire a legal site where you can downloads songs, movies, video and such for free?

i have using I tunes for like 2 years and if limewire does this for fee, Why would I put alot of money in songs if I can save for something else?

admin answers:

Limewire: Legal.

Downloading OR uploading copyrighted songs/videos : illegal.

There are sites like where you can download songs legally for free, but those are the ones under creative commons license.

In short, if you get something for free but otherwise would have to pay for it, its illegal.

Oh, and both downloading AND uploading copyrighted songs is illegal. Those who don’t believe it should read this

Paul asks…

Legal Online Documentaries/TV Shows/Movies either Streaming/Download?

hey guys,

I was just wondering if anyone knew of any good legal sites that off free streaming/downloading of tv shows/docos/movies??

admin answers:

Search in

Sandy asks…

Where can I download the Superman Returns movie for free and legal without a credit card?

admin answers:

You can`t download it legally for free. Duh.

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