Your Questions About Download Movies Legal Free

Robert asks…

where can i find free movie downloads and that are legal?

free and legal

admin answers:

There is no such thing as free AND legal downloads of movies on the internet. There are websites that offer downloads, but they either cost money or are illegal. If you want movies, you can try NetFlix and they will deliver DVDs to your house for just $24.99 a month.

Ken asks…

Is there a way to download movies to your iPod for free?

Uh yeah… Preferably legal? Thanks

admin answers:

Yes you could use MP3 rocket. You can download music and movies. It’s legal.

Charles asks…

I heard you can download movies on the internet for free?

what websites can I go on and is it legal to do?

admin answers:

i think it is legal 🙂

Betty asks…

Free and legal movie editing software?

So im a sims 2 movie maker and my WInodws Movie maker is playing up so if you could give me some programs that are LEGAL and FREE to DOWNLOAD (:

admin answers:

I recommend Movavi Video Editor which can import media from different sources. Edit video, add soundtracks and titles. Apply filters, transitions, and special effects.

Hope it helps!

Carol asks…

Does any1 kno where i could find free online full length movie download?..idc if its legal or not?

admin answers:

Go to

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