Your Questions About Download Movies Legal Free

Mark asks…

where can I download movies for free?

Where can I download movies for free. ( it is legal to do this in my country, just as long as I don’t distribute it to others. )
thank you!

admin answers:

My favorite site is Great quality and no viruses. Very easy to use.

Joseph asks…

Where can I download FREE movies and that are legal?

And I mean completely free. No credit cards no nothing. Also, there better be no virus on them.

admin answers:

Download this program
the go to to download movies

Paul asks…

how can i download movies for free that are legal?

admin answers:

Torrents to the rescue, get bittorrent. Donwload’em all.

James asks…

if you download free apps movies music off jailbroken ipod can u get in legal trouble?

if you download free apps movies music off jailbroken ipod can u get in legal trouble

admin answers:

Unlikely, but always possible. Jailbreaking in itself is not illegal – downloading movies via limewire or something IS, however – and while it’s unlikely that you’d get caught, there have been court cases of being getting whacked with RIDICULOUS fines for pirating stuff (I seem to recall a 16 year old girl getting fined a couple million dollars for supposedly sharing a dozen songs or something like that) – I believe the fine is up to 75000 per instance of pirated stuffs.

Maria asks…

Downloading..Free Legal Movies?

I am getting an mp4 and i am wondering what movies i should put on there. I have limewire but i cant figure out how to get movies from there and i want to do it legaly and was wondering how i might do that i always choose best answer!

admin answers:

Should be free, but it’s not .. But who really cares? There are some sites where you can download free and legal, but the movies are old .. Really really old, before Christ. Try a search on google or yahoo.

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