Your Questions About Download Movies Legal Free

Nancy asks…

Is there a website where you can download free games, movies, etc. & burn them onto cds?

Preferably a legal one!

admin answers:


George asks…

Where can I download a free/legal/virus-free program to edit & make a movie & to do cool things with pictures?

admin answers:

Go to They have a ton of programs to download and it is run by a reputable company Cnet.

James asks…

what is a website that i can download free movies?

and it be legal?

admin answers:

Watch Movies Trailers, Reviews and many more…


Download free movies, TV shows with out any survey,
credit card, sign up, registration etc…


Betty asks…

legal movie downloads..? free..?

anybody know a site..?
cuz, ive tried alot of sites and you usually have to sign up, and pay..
and i really dont want to a put the master card number on the computer.
anybody can help tht would be great..

admin answers:

There are no legal sites for movie downloads that don’t include tons of virus’, spam, phishing, etc. Most have to be done illegally. I’m not condoning illegally activity of ANY kind by ANY means….but i HEARD of a website that you can download movies, some that are theater, I think it’s what they call Pie Rut, But I’m not too sure exactly if that’s what they call it ;o) (**Wink, Wink)
Sometimes they have Screener DVD’s (the dvd’s that the stars and academy awards get to view before the movies come out in theathers) and some of course are …well….’home-made’. And other’s people upload the DVD when it comes out. It is a pay fee service, but if you sign up, you get 4k MB free. So you could try it out. I ‘hear’ it’s pretty good. I ‘hear’ that people say it’s worth it the money. I ‘hear’ that it’s only 15.00 a month. So I ‘hear. :o)

Robert asks…

free music download programs that are legal?

lokking for a free program and legal for music downloads and movies too thank you

admin answers:

Unfortunately the words Free, Legal and Music/Movies don’t go together.

You have to pay if you want it to be legal.

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