Your Questions About Download Movies Legal Free

John asks…

what is torrent download? isit free to download movie and songs?isit legal or illegal?

admin answers:

Bittorrent can be legal if you download legal stuff. Most of it is illegal.
It is free. NEVER pay for it.
Install uTorrent and look for a beginners guide to bittorrent.

Ruth asks…

downloading movies for free?

what is a site that i can download movies for free and legal? plz all answers quick

admin answers:

The only legal downloading movie site is and you have to pay for that.

Betty asks…

POLL: Should downloading movies/music for free be legal?

Why or why not?

Thoughts? Rants? Opinions?
Sigrid M, you obviously misread the question. I don’t want to download movies, I’m asking if people think it should be free or not.

admin answers:

Hmm, I think it should be up the the artist/owner or their agents. I know that some artists wouldn’t mind contributing a certain piece or two of their work for free to anyone.

Daniel asks…

where can you download free legal music and video?

i just got a zune and i want to put movies and some songs on it but i can ‘t and i can use limewire

admin answers: has a huge section of free music for downloading, all perfectly legal.

Laura asks…

does anyone kno a site to download free movies???

legal or non legal. ifont care. i just need a site that i dont have to installll

admin answers:

Limewire gives your computer so many viruses!
Try downloading this thing called Bittorrent(google it).
After you download Bittorrent, download the Client, utorrent (again, Google it).
Then, go to Thety gots everything at that website!!

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