Your Questions About Download Movies Legally

Susan asks…

Does anyone know a good place to download movies LEGALLY?

I’m specifically looking for one that might have “The Big Lebowski” if that makes a difference.

admin answers:

Check out the new ‘UnBox’ movie downloading service on

Lisa asks…

can i legally download movies?

does any body know where i can legally download recently released movies, like by getting a membership or paying

admin answers:

From Netflix, although they do not have that many movies available for downloading. But they do have some good ones

Maria asks…

Legally Download Movies? Websites?

Is there a way to legally download movies from a site?

admin answers:

Download Movies Legally from here with best picture and sound quality.

Jenny asks…

Where can I legally download music and movies and keep them for a monthly charge?

I want to be legal, but I don’t want to pay a buck a song either.

admin answers:

There are lots of them out there now. Yahoo Music and Napster both offer monthly membership fees. There are multiple levels of membership, depending on what you want. Some of them allow you to transfer music to an approved MP3 player, while others just let you keep the music on your hard drive while you’re a member. There’s always where you can download music at a low cost, it’s legality is kind of a gray area as far as I know.

Thomas asks…

where can I download the little mermaid(limited edition) legally to my pc?

I want to find a website where I can download movies legally and pay per download

admin answers:


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