Your Questions About Download Movies Legally

Donna asks…

Which websites can I legally download movies from?

a lot of pc uses limewire but all i need is a site all i can get the only fools and horses i did had the compeat set but lose then when i moved so you pc wizzards out there the best legally site please

admin answers: is legal… Best site I’ve found so far, although it has more TV episodes than movies.

Donald asks…

i want to legally download movies but i do not want to fill up my hard drive?

i would rather put them on an external hard drive, but i heard you cannot watch them from that. i would like to get a toshiba, if it would work , but will it break eventually? do you need multiple hard drives? or what

admin answers:

You absolutely can watch them from an external. I do it. I have a Seagate freeagent. It is 1terabyte and runs at speeds up to 7200RPM. It was $99.00. Most downloaded movies are either 700MB or 1.36GB. So yo can hold anywhere from lets say 85 – 140 movies on a 1TB external drive.

Paul asks…

Is it illegal to download movies that you legally purchased onto your computer?

I just bought some movies at target and i want to put them on my ipod. Can I?

admin answers:

Although certain laws give you the right to make copies of audio/visual works for your own personal use, it’s technically not legal to do anything with a standard DVD movie.

Most store bought DVDs are protected with CSS encryption. In order to download it to the computer, or convert it to any other usable form, the CSS encryption has to be broken. It is pretty easy to do, and there are many programs that do it. However, there was a law passed some time ago that made it illegal to decrypt any type of digital media without permission.

So basically, based on the two laws, what you want to do is in a gray area. But it you only use it for yourself, nobody is going to know. 🙂

Carol asks…

is there a web site where i can download free movies legally?

admin answers:

Http:// this is a very good site to download movies with ease and speed and its completely legal

Helen asks…

I want to download movies legally – how do I go about this??

admin answers:

One place where you can find old movies which have had their copyright has expired, is the Internet Archive ( ).

Then there are movies like Cactuses, that debuted on the internet. ( )

Also, a great tool and player for short films, movies, video blogs, etc. Is the Democracy player. You can download and view movies from multiple sites in one integrated tool. That is available at

Most any other site is illegal.

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