Your Questions About Download Movies Legally

Helen asks…

does anyone know of a good site to download movies?legally?

i have tried limewire and bit tortrent
that’s free to me.

admin answers:

ITunes now has downloadable movies for a small price

Carol asks…

Is there any programs where you can download movies fast and legally?

admin answers: has a bunch of movies and sites like netflix can stream movies, but i dont think you can download from them.

Frostwire is great, but a some ppl dont use it legally…

Sandra asks…

I used to pay 5 bucks & i could download movies legally for a month but can’t remember the name of the site.?

admin answers:

You used to be able to do that on and limewire. But guess what, it wasn’t legal.

Use netflix, blockbuster, amazon streaming, or itunes.

Betty asks…

Does anyone know where i can download movies? (Legally)?

I used Torrent Spy before but i cant for U.S. and European privacy law issues….

admin answers:


John asks…

When I download movies from iTunes the sounds is terrible?

I buy music from iTunes all the time and it sounds fine. I can play movies on other websites (pirated at that) and they sound fine. I cough up $10 bucks for a legally downloaded movie and can’t hear the dialouge even when it’s turned up all the way. Suggestions please?

admin answers:

I’m sorry, but I never had that problem, you may just want to get a DVD ripper and rip movies on to your ipod from DVDs.

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