Your Questions About Download Movies Legally For Free

Sharon asks…

where can u legally download movies?

preferably for free 🙂

admin answers:

Legal and free just dont go together…

David asks…

Is there a way to get free movies for your ipod legally?

By download i already know how to do it from a disk

admin answers:

Please keep in mind that ALL sites/resources that provide COPYRIGHTED material for FREE but WITHOUT permission from the copyright owners are equally ILLEGAL. Therefore, please use LEGAL downloading/sharing resources only.

Chris asks…

Is there anywhere I can watch movies online for free?!! LEGALLY.?

I really really realllly want to watch Jounrey to the Center of the Earth (2008) but I dunno what cite to go. I do NOT want to download or install any software. Just simply watch this movie on the internet.. legally. So any ideas?

Also.. I tried watching the movie on youtube, split in parts…. but some of the parts are missing.

admin answers:

Try these any one of these:


Maria asks…

Anyone know where one could download CNN pipeline for free and legally.?

What about movies?

admin answers:


Laura asks…

Do you know where to get free video codecs for windows media player and where from?

I like to download movies…. legally of course…lol but I need some codecs for my media player and I dont know what ones or where to get them… thanks bunches!! 😉
Please explain this to me like im a 4 year old (no smartasses) I just need to know what codecs i need for Video (to watch movies)

admin answers:

Here are some good sources:
1) Be sure to get DIVX since most videos used Divx – get from (free)

Happy viewing ! 🙂

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