Your Questions About Download Movies Legally Internet

Helen asks…

Would you like to be able to download or stream movie’s that are on at the cinema TOTALLY…?

…100% LEGALLY?
I’m fed up with still having to wait month’s for movie’s to come out on DVD. I cant understand why the movie industry hasn’t used the internet to make watching the latest films more easily accessible so we have more choice and we don’t just have the option of going to the cinema.
millions of people download or watch movie’s online every week illegally.
I’m confident that if there was a fully legal online service run by the movie industry where we could pay to download and stream the latest movies. Million’s of movie pirates would stop illegally downloading films and use the legal website for there movie’s if they had the option.

I’d like to point out that I’m not anti-cinema in any way and that i enjoy going to the movies at least twice a month. However i believe we should now have the choice of watching the latest films at home (100% legally) or at the movies.

I’ve started a petition at
to try and get movie bosses to listen to its customer’

admin answers:

With moves like Netflix partnering with LG to bring movies directly to TV and even Amazon teaming with Tivo to stream movies, it’s not far off.

I won’t be surprised at all if this technology is available within the next few years. And yes, people will pay for it, and those who still want the cinema experience will continue to pay for that.

I’d pay the same or more than a theater ticket to watch a movie at home. It’s coming, and I’ll be really happy when we have that option.

Great idea to spread the word via your campaign, though – it can’t hurt for consumers to let the industry giants know what we want.

Michael asks…

you buy a dvd, you own it, you can copy it, what about download it from the net?

i mean if you use your credit card and prepurchase a dvd from a store, your card gets charged, someone on the internet has stolen the movie by copying it off with a camcorder at the theatre, do you have the legal right to download that movie on the basis that you have legally purchased a store boughten version, which should technically give you the rights to make a personal backup, right?

admin answers:

The answer is no.

In theory, I’d agree with you and personally speaking, I’d say the law is wrong. In practice, the law says that getting something off of the internet without you paying for it –that time–is illegal. By something, I mean a movie or music or some other form of media in a similar area.

There are fights about this going on between people who believe in fair-use laws and the content owners. Previously, if you owned say, a record, you could make a copy on to an audiocassette and it would be legal. You could own a video tape and make a copy for personal use. That is, if you didn’t sell it or buy it that way, you were fine.This is despite that FBI warning in the beginning of the movie. You could also tape off of the radio or VCR for TV.

But the means is what matters now. If you were to make a copy of video tape ten years ago and give the copy to a friend, it would be totally legal. It would be just like making a copy of a CD and giving a friend a tape. But, if you send that copy of a CD through email and he burns the copy to a CD, it is considered illegal, even though the end is the same: he has a copy of something you owned.

I would think that the law would be stricken if it went far enough in the courts, but as it is now, it is the law, however ridiculous it is.

The law states that nothing in it should be deemed to be contrary to fair use, but everything else in it is designed to counter fair use. For example, if it is illegal to decode the encryption on a DVD to make a copy, then how can you make a copy legally? You obviously have to break that provision to make a fair use copy.

So, it’s a disingenuous piece of law and I would think that persons who break the code are within the law. Proving it though, is costly and time-consuming.

So, it’s up to you. The law is largely against you on this, even if you are right.

Betty asks…

How do you start a class action suit against a major company?

DON’T ANSWER UNLESS YOU HAVE ACTUALL LEGAL KNOWLEDGE. Verizon wireless is false advertising “unlimited broadband access” for a flat monthly rate. I signed up in response to that advertising, and in the store the salespeople also used the words “unlimited”, yet they sent me a letter stating they are disconnecting me next month because; “The terms and conditions only permit internet browsing, email, and intranet access….Streaming and or downloading movies/video are prohibitted.” They claim my usage is too high. They are canceling my service, not refunding my device purchase, plus I bought a $1000 laptop (elsewhere) to go with this wireless internet card and now I have to search for a new provider, and it appears doubtful that I will find wireless service that is as fast, making the laptop useless to me. They are screwing people all over the country. How do we all get together and get back at these bastards legally?

admin answers:

Before you start the revolution, did you read the contract before you signed it?

John asks…

Internet Law stuff?

I’m curious, which one is worse (legally worse i mean):
renting a dvd and burning it onto ur computer,
downloading the movie from the internet.

they seem like they should be the same but idk.

admin answers:

I think legally they are the same; there may be other laws that are violated in the process of downloading, but I’m not at all sure. The main issue is you’ve violated the copyright laws.

Carol asks…

Why won’t this movie play?

I recently legally obtained a movie off the internet from an internet site.
To be clear, it was not a PIRATEd movie in any BAY… woops.. typo. I mean way.

Well this has happened twice now. The movie came in .AVI format, and when I open up the folder and double click on the movie I get an error that says “windows explorer is experiencing problems and needs to close”, and then windows media player becomes unresponsive.

Now, I’ve tried other .avi movies and they work fine, but these two seem to seriously screw up, and I know they are quality movies because no one else on the website that I downloaded the movie from has complained about it (out of hundreds of comments).

I’ve tried different players like FLV player and quicktime, and it does the same thing. It works on my friends computer fine.

Does anyone have a solution? Do I need to download a plugin of some sort?

Help would be deeply appreciated. Thanks.
Cyrus L – Thanks, I’ve already tried this and it still doesn’t work. I just don’t understand why the files corrupt for me and nobody else.
Thanks ‘adultery should be banned’ and ‘eaglesong3’. I’ll try these out, it seems like the solution.

admin answers:

Do you have a DVD burner? If so, maybe you can burn the movie on a disk and play it that way. If that does not work, do you have the latest update/driver for your Windows Media Player?

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