Your Questions About Download Old Movies Online

Helen asks…

How do i download an online flash video?

I found a website where you can watch older movies but there not in mpeg format so i cant download them. does not work, and ive tried keepvid ; are there other sites?

the website is “”
i need the downloader to be online b/c i cant install stuff on my computer (no space)

admin answers:

Try copying the URL for the page with the video embedded in it and heading over to

You can chose the file format you want before you start downloading.

Chris asks…

From where can I download High Quality Trailers for English Movies?

I’m trying to find a website to download high quality english movies trailers for a little bit… older movies like Richie Rich (1994) or Back to the future (1979) et cetera. So is there any website except online video players?

admin answers:

I find only here…

Back to the Future

Thomas asks…

Is it illegal to download a movie if you already own the BluRay?

I’ve always wondered, if it was illegal to download a movie online if you had already purchased the BluRay for full price. As most older PCs don’t have BluRay players, and BluRay movies can’t be played on iPods, is it illegal to download the video file of a DVD rip? Technically you already own the content.. :S

admin answers:

That would be illegal. Even according to the EFF’s lawyers that would be illegal. You bought a disk. If you loose it or break it you didn’t buy the right to DL it again or use it in another way.

Paul asks…

where can i watch old movies from the 40’s through the 60’s?

to be more specific, i need to watch them online (streaming, like youtube or so) and not download them. movies like Vertigo, sunset boulevard, detour, double Indemnity, possessed, and other classic film Noirs

admin answers:

Streaming is available at

Donald asks…

Where is a good place to watch movies online?

I live in Singapore, and will be here six more months. American movies take a long time to get here, I would like to see them just once before they are old. Preferably I would like to be able to download so I can watch when I have time.

admin answers:

You can watch movies at this site while online, or download the movies to watch later. I use it all the time.

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