Your Questions About Download Old Movies Online

Sandy asks…

where can i watch a new movie online with no servey or download?

i really need this im so bored somebody find me a place . i can only find ones tht are old and tht have serveys or ones tht are already shut down . PLEASE HELP
Not Hulu OR Itunes something tht will work feel me

admin answers:


Ruth asks…

where can i download torrents and what is a torrent?

my friends where talking about getting stuff online like movies and some old games, and software like photoshop. they said they used a torrent. where can i download one and what is it.?

admin answers:

Torrent software isn’t illegal – but downloading copyrighted software, music and videos IS illegal!

Someone says “dont worry u wont get caught no one does.” Right. Let’s see…

50,000 people are getting sued – more will be coming, soon:

Jammie Thomas-Rasset downloaded 24 songs, and she may have to pay $1.9 MILLION dollars! This one is still in the courts:

Limewire (the most popular torrent site) LOST the court battle, and may be shut down, very soon:

The producers of the movie “Hurt Locker” is suing 5,000 people for downloading the movie:

“Hurt Locker” has a list of IP addresses of people who downloaded the movie. Ask your friends if they’re on the list:

Who else is looking for thieves? Let’s see…

The BSA offers up to $1,000,000,000 reward:

Introducing the SIIA. If someone reports YOU for piracy, they could win $1,000,000 dollars:

Court orders can accomplish anything. Like FORCING your favorite Torrent site to record IP addresses and user activity. What ya think the MPAA is going to do with this information. So the Torrent you use could be recording EVERYTHING you’re doing for future lawsuits:

Hope you don’t get a notice of copyright infringement:

Ok, so it kind-of looks like that “no one gets caught” thing isn’t holding water.

Your choice. But remember: if you get caught, you’re going to court, and if you lose – you become what future employers like to call a “THIEF.”

Is an mp3 worth a $1.9 million dollar law suit, or never finding a good job because you’re found guilty?

Good luck!

Jenny asks…

Download Red Cliff (赤壁) the movie?

Hi, I was wondering if anyone know where I can download this movie?
I know I can watch it online on crunchyroll and stuff, but I want to download it.
Also do you know any forums or websites, where I can download Chinese Movies (old and new) ?
I know d-addicts, but I can only find dramas…

Anyways any help would be great. Thanks

admin answers:

find pretty much all popular movies there.

Michael asks…

Watching movies online.. is it illegal? what if you can’t find that movie anymore?

Not downloading the movie. watching it?

but what if its something really old that you can’t find anymore, would’nt that make it legal? like say… the cinderella movie?
I already know sites to find it on ! i DID’NT ASK FOR SITES.

admin answers:

It is illegeal!

Richard asks…

Is it illegal to watch movie online?

Is it illegal to stream movie online?
the reason I’m asking this is because I’m interest in those old cowboy movie that made back in the 80’s, but they are not available for sales anymore. After looking up online there are a lots mix answer between legal and illegal.

I’m not trying to download, share nor reproduce anyback up or try gain any profit from it.
i have a Netflix account but these type of movie is very rare in their collection.

i need some more input into this please thanks

admin answers:

It is not illegal as long as the web site producing the video has the right to. Hulu, Crackle and YouTube all offer free movies to stream and watch.

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