Your Questions About Download Old Movies Songs Free

Laura asks…

Genus way to fix economy thats in a deficit?

* The truth is America is destined for Failure just like the Titanic*
Every thing as a math code tells me America is in for trouble.
I am a genus I see things different: Threes a Difference from falling and getting back up and
Falling and getting hurt.

This is the only way for America to get back up and Climb a latter of success.

1. Seize war! and cut military cost
We The American People are doing more then fighting Terror. We are stopping terror around the world from killings The Unnecessary Violence and Cruelty. American believes in a safer world and security. War Responsibility’s is a well put together agenda to Eliminate those who are terror with no moral of passion of life. I think Its about time to come up with a better tactic to bring troops home. Saddam and bin ladin are dead. Put some Arab spy’s and slither a leader in and become a Alie with the people.
to Create a safer world without individuals who believe terror is

2. Stop Anything Piracy block Domains from anonymous upload,download,torrents,
No more free movies or free songs. No more youtube videos with a song infringement.
But this doesn’t help without the country having money to spend on hollywood. This only will work when the war ends. Doing this will Boost the economy since majority of americas currency comes from hollywood 25 billion a year. Its now decreased to 12.5 billion dollars. Thanks to Netflix, red box and pirate bay ETC. NOTE: im being sarcastic about that frase.

3. Some of us know about are Birth Certificates are Banknote which means you are US Property.
Allot of people need to understand that this means no offense to you as being a slave to are government. Its ok, cause the good thing are government believes in freedom and we have rights.
Everyone That’s holds a US birth certificate is liable for americas future, so Education is the source
to keep are country holding stability of success.
For those who are not American Property who do not hold the United States Birth Certificate are not
Bonded with the banknote to say they have to pay there taxes. Sad thing is we pay theres. Well
America Time to be Mature about it without those that’s think this is offensive cause they ain’t US Citizens. This isn’t a racial comment, The fact means nothing about race, being a citizen means
any color of kind. So are government shall, In force those that are hear illegally to pack there bags and go to there homeland. Every country has its own problems of its own kind. Its like that old true saying. You cant help others until you help yourself. America as a whole is only the citizens. If america claims to helping other countries, how can america Help it self????
America is a bright country willing to be any ones friend. As another country don’t add your problems to ours.America isn’t American without its people.

4.Take a 20 Percent Tax from The wealthy, Its not fare, but Those who work hard for there money or not at all,
shall not be greed while having freedom which others die for; while the family is left to suffer in military cost. Those hero’s do more then die for there country but to eliminate the threat so those wealty people are safe. The future of america is all loving your state your country and your friends family and neighbors, from the people who live next to you or your homeland neighbors.

5. Take a Tax budget to build New jobs and not allow teens to quit High school untell age 18.
Give drop outs second chances to go back to school. Across America Create 2 trade schools in every State with room on board to give a person a second chance becoming something rather then nothing.Teach military type protocols of responsibility and real life employment role play.Every one has a reason they never finished school,

6. As health care
This is so sad, 30 million are out of employment why would obama care for health care,
This will only cause the economy to owe more deficit. Health care should be focused on LESS.Real deficit is employment wise and not something you pay out to.
To Create a jobrequiress money the governmentdoesn’tt have. So this only tells me this is so major that we need to do something to fix the cause!
Create jobs that money will be invested into, rather spend to othercountriess.

admin answers:

I’m sorry but every one of those ideas were just awful. War is an important part of economy it got us out of the great depression therefore helps us make a net profit while showcasing our superiority. SOPA? Really your about that? That’s awful and the amount of time and effort going into that would actually cost the government money. You didn’t even make a point with your third point it was just senseless rambling. 4.NO NO NO NO NO socialism doesn’t work that’s what you are saying. It takes away the american drive and kills the american spirit if you hand money to the lazy people they won’t work because they have been handed enough money to live in fact they will work less and less causing the government to need more and more and the end result is a government where everyone gets paid the same. Sounds familiar, its a communism. Yes I agree education is important but educating isn’t really the responsibility of the state…What? Are you kidding it isn’t your dumb? No education is a parental matter if you want your kids to stay in school then you as a parent should make them do so if that isn’t the best option then don’t people keep blaming the government because its easy and can’t change to your needs so makes for an easy target. There are jobs there are too many jobs to fill but we as americans are far too lazy to take the jobs that are hard work and little pay, but hey its okay to blame the mexicans.

Also it’s genius and correct grammar would be “to fix AN economy in a deficit” what you said was just dumb

David asks…

PLEASE HELP!! iPod Problems!!?

I have an old 30gb videeo ipod and i have many ?’s
1. I erased all the songs in my library (on purpose), but they are not erasing from my ipod. umm how do i fux tht?

2. Where can i get free music besides limewire?

3. Wherre can i get free, easy to download movies(without getting DivX)??

4.Where can i get cheap ipod accesories??

5. Can i download games on this ipod?? If so, how??

srry for being a blonde but i REALLY need help to get this thing working right!!!

admin answers:

You can download some free videos on the following sites:
You should make sure the video is MP4 or H2.64 video for iPod. Here is a step by step guide about converting DVD, Videos, Flash and Youtube videos to iPod
Other useful information you can get on Apple official site:

Daniel asks…

Can someone please explain to me exactly how filesharing or torrents?

are “stealing?”

Even if it is copyrighted material.

The entire root of this is because movies, music and other things are bogged down with “DRM” or other copyright protection schemes. All that these things do is tick people off. For example – iTunes used to have DRM in the music. You couldn’t burn it to a CD. Why would someone then pay for a song on there instead of going onto something like the old Napster and downloading the song they wanted for free, without DRM?

It’s the same way with movies. When I buy a movie, I should be able to make as many backup copies as I want. Technically putting it on the DVD player to watch with my family is illegal too since they didn’t pay for it.

Torrents and file-sharing things are 100% the SAME. Someone paid for it and they’re choosing to share it with other people. They aren’t making a profit from it or passing it off as their own work. So please tell me exactly how doing such is “stealing.”
I think this is all because Congress is corrupt and takes bribes from people like the RIAA, and MPAA to take action against people who really aren’t doing anything wrong.

They are legally breaking the law, but is the law just? In my opinion – no.

What they are doing is not piracy. It’s buying something and then showing it to other people. In fact, piracy actually encourages people to buy the stuff.

For example – I have a friend who used to buy maybe 3 or 4 CD’s per week because on the old Napster she heard new musicians she liked. Now that people are being sued over this stuff, she rarely buys a CD because the only music she listens to that’s new is on the radio.
Again, you people are missing the point. One person paid for the copyrighted material and is choosing to share it via the internet. That is NO different than if I bought a movie and played it for my family on the DVD player since none of them paid for the material.

admin answers:

You should go for a walk…….

Charles asks…

What Is Your Opinion On “Stealing”?

Note: I know some people will think and reply “it doesn’t matter, stealing is stealing, and it is wrong”, please don’t lecture about how immoral it is, just give me your opinion on these scenarios.

1. So apparently stealing something physical is extremely wrong but stealing a service is becoming increasingly popular. If you steal an ipod, people criticize you saying this is not a necessity. Even if you steal something like a $1 piece of candy, you can get in serious trouble.
Watching movies for free online (old or new) is becoming a big thing. Movies that have recently come out or even movies that haven’t hit the theaters yet are occasionally viewable. Downloading music, and converting music from YouTube who’s songs by artists haven’t even come out for sale yet. Once again, none of the “artists make millions anyway”, I just want to hear opinions on the severity of “stealing” and its many forms.

2. We know cosmetics are pricey. What if some, a lot, or even ALL cosmetics/beauty items in a retailer had expired? If I ask what retailers do with expired products, BUT, I don’t mention why I ask this, they always tell me “they throw it out”. What they don’t know is, I have a follow-up question. What if people “steal” the expired products? What if a customer asks to have these products for free since they are expired? I’m sure the person who steals the expired products will get hammered! And the customer who asked for these products for free will get the palm.

3. Don’t get me started with the single homeless mother stealing food for her 8 month old baby. We all know people hate the thieves, but then sympathize for the mother.

I forgot what else I was going to ask, so I will leave it at that.

admin answers:

1. Theft of intellectual property is a hard to grasp concept. When you steal a movie, you aren’t just stealing a disc or whatever, you are stealing the information on the disc. I think some of the punishments are over-extreme or the laws are written for an older time where the issue really would be one company stealing it from another company. An individual, even with the internet, can only distribute it so much. They should be charged based on how much proven damage their distribution caused, not how much it could have caused.

2. The expired products are thrown out for potential safety for the consumers, and for the company to guarantee quality of their products. If you steal an expired product, it doesn’t matter that it is expired, it still belongs to the seller, even if they aren’t going to sell it. A company would not give away expired products like that because it would deter from their business, as if you have an expired product and don’t care, you aren’t going to buy a new one. Why should I give you my trash for free, when I want to sell you my goods, when the trash is comparable to the goods?

3. That’s about necessity, which is different. Though there are other means that people are either unaware or unwilling to go to in order to keep their well being.

George asks…

How can i stop being violent?

I used to watch violent movies when i was 8-9 years old, and they have really effected my personality. I started by watching one horror movie, soon i was downloading killing/death/violence videos on my laptop in my free time. I am 18 right now. My dad used to beat my mom in front of me and my little sister when we were young. they split up five years ago and i barely see my mom because she moved away to live with her sister in Michigan. I started getting violent thoughts after i watched the horror movie (Mikey) and i still remember every scene. I could sit at a corner in my room for 4-5 hours thinking about ways to kill people, but it bothers me a lot that people cannot suffer when they are dead. My first victim was a pregnant cat. me and my friend chocked her then slammed her by the hard tile. my friend brought a knife from the kitchen and my friend put it in her tummy. there was three bloody dead cats in her tummy. soon, we cleaned the mess, my friend cleaned and hid the kitchen knife, and we buried the cat in the backyard.
When i was young, i used to sit and listen to Marilyn Manson for a long time (i am sure he doesn’t encourage violence by his songs but somehow he inspired me). I listened to him saying in one of his songs, i always repeat this part, (SEX, SEX, AND DONT FORGET THE VIOLENCE) and (KILL YOUR GOD, KILL YOUR TV). and i still have a marilyn manson shirt which says: “Kill your parents” and i really wished i could kill my dad.
I beat people at school, I beat my little sister (sometimes without a reason) at home. I beat everyone and when i am angry, i break everything. I kill animals when i get the chance. I am sick of those thoughts. I want to stop them. but i can’t. I can’t control my anger.

admin answers:

Tell someone. You need to seek the help of a psychiatrist and therapist to help you get through this. This is how people begin the cycle of murder of people (you have already murdered a cat and her babies).

If you get professional help, you WILL be able to get better. A therapist can help you deal with the trauma you experienced by seeing what your dad did to your mom. He can also help you deal with the effect the movies had on you.

You do not need to wait for an appointment if you feel yourself losing control. You can walk into your nearest emergency room at any time (or call 911) and let them know that you are having thoughts of hurting others and they will take you to the hospital and let you stay there until you get stabilized.

You may feel that you can not control your anger, but that does not mean that you can not choose to get help to get better. Otherwise you are looking at a lifetime of death and prison…

Honor yourself and others by getting help.

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