Your Questions About Free Download Old Movies

Laura asks…

Is there a specified time limit on copyright, publishing rights etc on movies?

If I want to download old black and white movies (free) is ther a period of time when its legal to do so, for example , if a film is 50+ years old.

admin answers:

Check out the Intellectual Property Office website.

I have (ironically!!) copied a section from the website that outlines movie copyright.

Written, Theatrical, Musical, Artistic and Film

The term of protection or duration of copyright varies depending on the type of copyright work. The term of protection in the UK for an original written (literary), theatrical (dramatic) musical or artistic work lasts for the life of the creator plus 70 years from the end of the year in which he/she died.

Similarly, copyright in a film runs out 70 years after the end of the year in which the death occurs of the last to survive of the principal director, the authors of the screenplay and dialogue, or the composer of any music specially created for the film.

Both software (computer programs) and databases are able to be protected as literary works.

Where two or more people have created a single work protected by copyright and where the contribution of each author is not distinct from that of the other(s), those people are generally joint authors and joint first owners. The term of copyright protection in such a work is calculated with reference to the date of the death of the last surviving author.

Any sound recording made of a song will be protected for a different period of time from the underlying music or lyrics.

You should also note that. For copyright works originating outside the UK or another country of the European Economic Area (EEA), the term of protection may be shorter if it is shorter in the country of origin. There may also be variations in the term where a work was created before 1 January 1996.

Thomas asks…

Old Boy (2003) Free download mp4/3gp/avi?

guys i m lookin 4 movie which name is old boy, plss help

admin answers:

You can watch the whole movie on youtube

It’s a great movie, it really is worth buying on DVD if you see it

Mary asks…

how to download free movie to itunes!?

i need a website that i dont need to download a program!!!! PLEASE HELP!!!
something that it is just need to type a movie name n i can download it n then but it in itunes!!
PLEASE HELP!!! i can download any programs because my OLDER bro doesnt let me!!
SO PLEASE HELP ME!! need some movies for my ipod!!

admin answers:

You can download a software and rip it. That’s it. Herewith the link: some are free and some are charged.

Mark asks…

Where can I download The adventures of Tintin cartoon for free?

Hello mates 🙂

Yesterday I watched the new Tintin movie and It reminded me of my childhood.
Does anyone of you have any idea where can I download old Tintin cartoon?
Please help me I am so crazy about it now :D. Any torrent or link would be good

admin answers:


Nancy asks…

What’s a good free to download video editing program?

ALL I want is to condense clips and upload them to Youtube. I record soccer games for my school and need to upload the game in it’s entirety, but to do that I need some type of editing software.

I currently use an older version of Windows Movie Maker, but it really lowers the quality

Either I need a high quality program to download or I need help making Windows movie maker better. Thanks for the help in advance!

admin answers:

Condensing lowers the quality. There’s no way to condense and maintain a good quality video.

There are some higher quality WMV profiles which do a good job and which produce smaller files than the AVI file type does. I just made a How To video showing how to get and add higher quality profiles to Movie Maker. The original AVI video was 1848 Mb (1.85 Gb). After publishing using the “Heading to DVD” profile, it’s 37.9 Mb and the quality is pretty good considering it was screen captured with CamStudio, a freebie.

This video explains all the steps to download, install and use a high quality video profile to Movie Maker.

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