Your Questions About Free Download Old Movies

Sharon asks…

analog video camera editing system?

i have an analog camera, (tape camera) and i need an editing system that’s free and can be used with a tape camera, not a digital camera. it wont let me download the old movie maker. i need help. i wanna make videos! please help!!!

admin answers:

You can use Movie Maker (or any editing program) with analog cameras – you just have to convert the video to a digital format.

Exactly what kind of tape is it? Not all tapes are analog. Digital-8 and MiniDV are digital tape, and can be fed to your computer using simply a FireWire cable.

For other analog tapes, you’ll have to use some form of converter. The low end is USB converters like the “Dazzle,” though it might not necessarily be compatible with many editing programs. Step up, and you’re using a converter like the ADS Pyro A/V Link, which connnects via FireWire. That sends the “DV” format to your computer, which can be used by just about every video editing program ever created, even Windows Movie Maker.

No matter what, if you have analog tape, you’ll need to purchase some sort of converter to get video into your computer.

If you go the FireWire route, make sure you have a FireWire port on your computer. There are three types – 4-pin, 6-pin, and 9-pin. Look up images of them to see what they look like. If you have ANY of them, you’re ready to use FireWire. If not, look to see if there’s a slot to install an expansion card on your computer. If you have one, you can purchase and install a FireWire card (or perhaps a video-capture card? Your choice depending on your needs).

Good luck!

Sandy asks…

What is a good and easy editing program?

I have a youtube, i want an easy video editor. Not windows movie maker thats a piece of crap. One to work with windowss xp. Yup im old fashioned. And one that works with sony cyber shot. Oh yea and free download. (lol i spend all my money on lipgloss and bubble gum)

admin answers:

You can try some video editor software at

James asks…

How do you download plug in on your iPod 4?

I want to watch that old movie Carmen a hip hopera nd I found a site but I need to download plug in but when I try it says safari can’t open this server or something so yeah how do u do that nd what’s a website that I can watch the movie on. That u don’t have to buy or maybe u watched the movie. Can u tell me what site it was thanks. Yeah so basically how u get plug in for your iPod 4 well download it ? And cdn u tell me some websites I can watch it for free online YouTube does not work so don’t say YouTube I really wanna c this movie. And maybe u can c if they have the movie before posting ur website. Thank you s millions .

admin answers:

Install that from the ware site…

Good luck!

Steven asks…

Does Limewire have lots of viruses?

I had limewire on my old computer and it started acting slow so I don’t want to get it on my laptop but I miss downloading free music and movies 🙁 Is there any chance it could be virus free?

admin answers:

There are a lot of viruses to be found with Limewire. When after one song, be suspicious of any songs which are a different size to the others. This won’t save you from all nasties though.

Also there are lots of adverts, keyloggers and other things packaged to look like songs.

The part I found most annoying was incorrectly labelled songs though – finding that a song I was after was not the song I got, or usually even the same artist.

Donna asks…

From where to download free hindi old movies?

admin answers:

Confirm free with lots of old n new movies

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