Your Questions About Free Download Old Movies

Ken asks…

iMovie sucks?????

Hi, I have a Mac. I want 2 make movies 2 put on YouTube. I tried iMovie and it’s soooo sucky!! It sucks bcuz it’s complicated and there’s no effects. I heard the old iMovie is better, so I tried it. But it sucks 2!!! U can put effects, but I still don’t understand it completely!! Windows Movie Maker is great!! But I don’t have a Windows anymore…. I’m not much of a computer person….. So my question is, is there an EASY and FREE movie maker u can download on a Mac? It has to be easy, free, u can type words in it, u can make effects, etc. (similar to Windows Movie Maker) thnx!!!

admin answers:

I think I have the solution. Apple – Final Cut Studio, ceated specially for MAC, but it’s expensive, email me I might help you find it free.

Same thing with Sony Vegas, it’s great.

Charles asks…

How do you ungrade older versions of iphoto (2.0.1) and imovies(3.0.3) to newer versions.Free of charge.thanks

Well, i have an iBook, the specifications for this laptop are Mac OS X, version 10.4.7, processor 900 MHZ,PowerPC G3, memory 256 MB.
So i have quite old versions of iphotos and i movies whose versions are 2.0.1 and 3.0.3 respectively. And i want to upgrade them, without paying anything,(maybe download it of the internet or something) so what would be the right upgrades for me to get, that will suit my laptop specifications. Thanks a million.

admin answers:

The only legal way to upgrade is to go to the apple page and upgrade from there (you have to pay the upgrade fee).
You can find a hacked version online, but I can’t (won’t) help you with that :). Use your search skills 🙂

Lisa asks…

how to get more video effects and video transactions for windows movie maker xp?

Hi i make a lot of videos and I’m sick of using the same old effects and transactions whilst using windows movie maker is their a website or software that i can download effects and transactions for free

admin answers:

Type in on Google “SpiceFX”. They have a lot of effects. I know a lot more, but i dont have links.. Im sorry. I know one: “RehanFX”, and “Blaire’s” videoFX. (something like that)

Betty asks…

What is a free MMORPG game that is 3D?

I want:
Walk around with wepons
NOT runescape, kaneva or second life, or puzzle piarates
See other charactors
PLEASE help. If it is based on a medieval movie or book that is ok. Please give me ones that 13 year olds can play.

admin answers:

What you want is called a “browser game” and there are actually quite a few of them out there. I’m not sure of one personally that has other people in it though…

I’ve not actually tried this game yet, but I think it does have other people and it is a medieval setting. It’s called Tribal Wars and the website is here:

Hope this helps some.

George asks…

Movie Making Software/Program?

I’m looking to download a movie making program or software for making AMV/VGMV type movies. On my old computer I had WMM for XP which I really liked but now I only have Windows Live Movie Maker and I absolutely hate it. I like having a time line to work on and my computer right now is Windows. I would prefer the program/software to be free and also virus free.

admin answers:

Try some of these versions, they may be more to your liking…

WMM 2.6 download –

WMM 5.1 –


WLMM 2011 –

If you’re looking for free then you’ve just really got a choice between Windows Movie Maker, Wax – and Zwei-Stein – (personally I think this program is horrible, but it is free). The best of these really is WMM.

The following are really just video splicers….

Video Edit Master

Just look those up yourself in any search engine if you’re interested. I’d give the URLs but I’ve run out of the number I can give you on Yahoo Answers.

I don’t know why Microsoft did this but they kept changing the version of WMM for each version of Windows and kept messing around with the different features for each version.

Lots of really good tutorials for WMM, which is a lot better than most people realize, at

There is another, but I’ve no experience of it at all, CineFX from

Cheap(ish) video editors…

Some of the best reviewed at

There’s some more here, that I haven’t really looked at yet –

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