Your Questions About Free Download Old Movies

George asks…

what rip-and-burn software is better than windows media player? i mean cd copies?

wmp refuses to copy a lot of my stuff. old cds, make that, very old cds. wmp works great with slime to download and burn. but this ripping music cds is giving me trouble. i rip-and-burn movies with absolutely not trouble using dvdcloner 4, just one click. but i am having more trouble with music cds? i would like to edit the cds and just take the tracks i want. is there a free download that will do that or do i have pay? (why pay unless necessary?) thans in advance.

admin answers:

I use ver.7 that is the best i found so far easy and easy to understand also has a long trial period try they are the greatest even better than nero

Thomas asks…

Wat are some good games for an 11 yr old?

Okay so im lookin for stuff like virtual worlds
i want it to have

1. CUTE clothes
2. very realistic looking charecters
3. child friendly but not to boring
4. u can chat and have friends etc.
5. SAFE! 🙂
7. Virus free

I have a woozworld, club penguin and movie star planet but i want more…
like tht
somethin like those
NOT zwinky,,,it was dum
thnx…. btw none were u have to have a facebook cuz i dont have one 😉

admin answers:


Richard asks…


hi everyone, i have a compaq presario1601 notebook, i recently reinstalled everything due to a virus so i have 2 issues that i trying to fix now that my laptop is fully fixed. one- my windows wont let me defrag it says im at 23% (so i just downloaded another of the net)-which works but my defag from windows still wont defrag! does this matter?

second- my memory is all messed up, someone said that when u do a full restore ur laptop will keep hidden files from what i had saved originally, i didnt have much b4 so no need to keep, i guess my question is how do i free up my memory and tell my computer i dont need those old files so i can open up my memory?

I have another laptop with the same amount of memory and its at 88% free and that has ALOT more bigger files/programs than this one which is telling me 23% right now? is this b/c of the virus? is this normal? i have no music or movies downloaded how do i free up my memory? did defrag, disk clean up, went into add/delete programs and removed the ones for sure i will never use, anything else i should do?

admin answers:

OK. Just to get you clear on a couple of things: The hard drive on your computer is where everything is stored (programs, documents, operating system, etc.) This is called “permanent storage”. The hard drive holds a limited amount of files (and again, files can be programs, documents, pictures, etc.).

Now Memory is different from your hard drive. Memory is simply “temporary storage”. That is to say, when you turn your computer off, everything in memory is erased. Memory is used to run your programs and the operating system of your laptop (that is a basic explanation). This is different from your hard drive. Unless something happens to your hard drive, whatever is there STAYS there unless you delete it manually.

So now that you have this basic explanation, maybe you can re-phrase the question a bit. Personally, I don’t like ragging on people because they don’t know something. Why? Because the same ones who are ragging on you weren’t born with the knowledge they have, but after they get it, there is that attitude of arrogance rather than the attitude of remembering they used to be uninformed at one time as well and try to help someone rather than try to seem superior.

David asks…

Who else is sick and tired of the cable company?

Promotions are short lived., then you pay an arm and a leg for service that may or may not be there.and you are paying for old movies that are aired endlessly, even with On Demand. New movies should be on the Premium channels before they put them on Dvd. If you complain, you are given things, like an added service at their discretion, and come to find out when its time to pay the bill that you have to pay for it as an “upgrade”. It was not .or ever was free.(for a brief period of time as they suggested_ The rates go up and then they have it so if you get the least expensive you barely have any service at all. Anything costing over 100.00 a month should work every time you try to use it. Trust me, that is not even the least I pay, but I feel that 100.00 a month is too much. And had you noticed that if you don’t get a variety of things added, it does not lower your bill, it slightly raises it, along with a yearly increase that may apply.. The more you have the less you pay. If you downgrade, you get nothing for almost the same price. Someone please tell me that there is an alternative. One that doesn’t cost a fortune.(and No, I won’t convert Mormon)
Satellite has its problems as well and it seems the only thing to do is download your own stuff or rent or buy what you want to watch. How does that work with local news and soaps and such?
I can’t believe how happy I was with a basic TV antenna. I had a state of the art television with all the local channels and we were entertained quite well with only the electric bill to worry about.. TV viewing was otherwise free. Next there will be a monopoly on the air we breathe. Oh that’s right, No smoking…but its okay to pollute the air in other major ways….HELP (only valid suggestions need apply, thanks)
Answer #1. Eww why didn’t I think of that!!
2nd answer. Thanks for the sympathetic ear.

Didn’t mean to get carried away. I just got back from paying my bill….geeesh.
That would put me back. I have like seven or eight cable jacks. I guess I’ll have to actually start

admin answers:


What fried it for me is they are going to start charging monthly rental fees for each jack you have in your house!!! WTF??? $6.99 for your ‘main” TV and $3.99 for each additional TV you might have in your house

I only have TV because of my kid, when he’s gone, so’s the TV.

TV today reminds me of those very prophetic novels “1984” and “Fahrenheit 451”

Loved your rant, a star for you.

Laura asks…

Is 16GB enough memory on an iPad? Microsoft word?

In your opinion, will 16GB be enough memory for an iPad? I’m getting an iPad 2 with Wifi soon. I probably won’t be downloading movies, I’ll be using BBC iplayer mostly. My music collection on my computer is quite large but I doubt that I will be putting my whole collection on it.

I’d also like to know if the iPad 2 has Microsoft Word or another (preferably FREE) app to type up short and simple homeworks. I don’t mean for massive essays or anything, just something with buttons to change fonts/alignment etc. like on Word. I do have a computer to do essays if I have to but it’s old and slow to boot up so I’d prefer to do it on an iPad. I won’t be getting a laptop

This will be my first Apple product so any other information will be helpful thanks 🙂

Ps. do you have to download iTunes on a computer? Or have an account on iTunes? Never used iTunes in my life
How do you pay for apps?

admin answers:

Yeah 16GB should be, if your not using it for storing movies.
I use an android so can’t help much with the ipad specifics except I do know there are word (free)
apps on the market but real keyboard over touchscreen is easier when it comes to typing long
documents but for the stuff your talking about it should be ok once you get used to it.
I’ve written entire apps from scratch on my tablet with out to much frustration.

Back to the memory though, I use my tablet alot and only have used up around 7GB.
That includes work photo’s, PDF and Ebooks some music, 750mb of apps
from the app market and a few tv episodes from youtube.
I store most movies and music on SD Cards though but I think 16 will be more then enough

Additional Details:
How do you pay for apps?.. When you set up an itunes store/apple ID account you choose a payment option ie credit card, paypal acount (depending on country) etc
you can do it all from your ipad
try using:
all the info you need should be there under iTunes section.. Choose acounts and billing
for specifics

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