Your Questions About Free Download Old Movies

Paul asks…

iTunes Trouble?! PLEASE HELP RIGHT NOW!?

Ok, so it’s late and I rented a movie on iTunes. When it goes to download under ‘Downloads’, an iTunes error comes up saying…
‘All downloads have been paused. The disk you are attempting to use is full. Removing files and emptying the recycling bin will free up additional space.’
So I deleted some old videos, movies, TV shows, etc. off of my iTunes. Then went to the Recycling Bin, emptyed it, and still it doesn’t work.
When it says clear up some files, what files does it mean? HELP?!

admin answers:

Try re-loading it

Steven asks…

Is it safe to download Sony Vegas?

Soo, I kinda want a new video editor. And I don’t particularly favor in the Windows Movie Maker, no offense to those who do. It’s getting old, I’ve been using it for years. Anyways, I’ve seen some nice videos made by SV Video Editing Software, and I was considering using it. <— QUESTION 1 – Is it safe to download it from right there? I don’t want any viruses. QUESTION 2 – Will it charge me to buy it there?

Is it a free program? What’s the best module. I appreciate all help in advance. Yall are amazin’ – I’ll pick best answer.

admin answers:

It is safe but it takes a lot of room up in your computer, it is free for 30 days if you get the trail (:

Chris asks…

do you know any good ones ?

the website i watch for movies isn’t good lately .so do u know any good websites that i can watch movies for free the new ones and the old ones 2
oh and what about watching shows for free the abc website is not good and non of the other ones


and i want to watch not download but its okay if i download them but i want one that will play

admin answers:


All those sites are good for watching TV shows, I recommend the first two though. TV Duck can be a bitch sometimes.

James asks…

Is it alright to let my 12 year old and 10 year old cousins to use Ubuntu Linux than Windows XP?

Hi. I have these cousins; they have a computer which runs Windows XP. But their computer is really (really) slow. So I was wondering if it is okay to replace their Windows XP with a Ubuntu Linux.

Because, Ubuntu uses less memory (at least that’s what I heard) and all its components are free, that includes an anti-virus and lots of games.

All they can initially do with their computer is: play light games, watch movies (which they get from me) and surf the web. BUT, they still manage to get their computer broken. (Software-wise, I speak.)

However, Ubuntu has its complexity side as well. You can see it by just looking at it. (Or probably because Windows has a larger community than Ubuntu.)

I can just tell them “not to do this”, “not to click that” , “do not download and/or install anything because it will not work”. I think they will listen to me saying those things.

So, tell me, is it alright to change their operating system from Windows XP to Ubuntu Linux?

P.S. If you could be more polite and add a phrase describing your answer which surly will be “yea do it” / “CRUSH AND BURN!!!!” / “try giving him a” — I will be very happy.
Additional details: The size of their hard drive is approximately 30GB
They can’t play games such as Call of Dudy because as what I mentioned on my question; their computer is really *really* slow. As I recall, their RAM is 258MB.

admin answers:

If your cousins are not very computer-literate then forcing them to use any flavor of Linux will not be a very good idea due to the inherent complexity that can exist in Linux. Ubuntu aims to minimize the learning curve that comes with Linux but it’s still a fairly advanced system that may not always work as expected with new users. There are limitations that come with Linux as well; if they have a ton of Windows-based software then none of it will run on Linux (unless you use WINE, but WINE doesn’t work very well). Just leave Windows XP on the machine and run some optimization and maybe install a RAM module to help boost the speed…or suggest they get a completely new or newer computer.

Ruth asks…

What word would you use to describe my political beliefs?

1) I support the complete decriminalization of the following:


-Drug possession/usage: I say we ought to legalize all drugs and grant general amnesty to anyone convicted of non-violent drug offences, while keeping people informed of the risks in taking drugs.

-Euthanasia, both voluntary and non-voluntary (i.e. when the patient is in a permanent vegetative state).

-Homosexuality, which means I believe same-sex couples should be allowed to get married.

-Polygamy, presuming it is mutually agreed upon between all involved parties (not that I’d support prosecution against people who commit adultery).

-Pornography (except child pornography).


2) I believe the drinking age should be lowered to 16. I also think the age of consent should be set to 14 years of age, with sexual relations between consenting teenage partners allowed if there is a five year age difference (14 year olds can legally have sex with 19 year olds); that said, I believe consenting partners ages 18 and up should be allowed to have sexual relations without any legal restrictions. I support allowing adolescents aged 12 and up to purchase R-rated movies and M-rated games without parental consent.

3) I’m almost entirely opposed to copyright laws; I believe people should be allowed to reproduce any material they see fit, so long as they attribute it to the original author. I also think people should be allowed to download music, movies, and books for free online (provided the initial author or artist receives royalty checks from websites that host their content). That said, I think plagiarism and fraud should generally be dealt with as misdemeanours (presuming it was for non-profit reasons), with fines not exceeding $500. Making profit off of somebody else’s work and identity theft should also be consider misdemeanours, but the consequences for doing so should be much more serious (hefty fines, possibly a bit of prison time). Fair use is ridiculous; people should be allowed to reproduce and distribute album covers, book covers, and any other licensed image or text without any sort of restrictions.

4) I support freedom of speech, broadly construed. Whether you support world peace, oppose the government, hate religion, or deny the Holocaust, you should be allowed to express your views openly and publicly without any legal repercussions. The only exception to this that I can think of is fraud, especially with regards to the media.

5) I 100% support socialized health care and education, while still allowing free market enterprises to operate in either industry. I support having a flat tax rate across the board: a 30% income tax, no cuts for the wealthy, no ceilings. Corporations should not be given any exemptions. How would I fund social services such as health care, education, and welfare? By cutting defence spending in half and allocating most of that money to education and health care.

6) I am opposed to the death penalty in all circumstances. I believe the highest penalty should be life in maximum security prison without the possibility of parole.

7) I believe smoking should be allowed in private institutions (bars, restaurants, etc).

8) I’m generally in favour of a non-interventionalist policy, with some exceptions (eg. I supported the intervention in Libya, I retrospectively support the Gulf War).

9) I believe society should be built on a secular framework, allowing people to believe whatever they want without imposing it on others.

It’s too hard to elaborate on all my beliefs. That’s just a shortlist. What word should I use to describe myself?
@John – Yeah, that’s what I meant.
@John – Yeah, that’s what I meant.
@Aspie Kid – I’m an 18 year old who has never dated (I’m awkward around the opposite sex, even when they’re the ones who like me), never smoked, seldom ever drank, and wants to give people the freedom to choose.
@Aspie Kid – I’m an 18 year old who has never dated (I’m awkward around the opposite sex, even when they’re the ones who like me), never smoked, seldom ever drank, and wants to give people the freedom to choose.
@Studly – I don’t think countries should intervene in every dispute unless they can do something to protect innocent lives. The intervention in Libya saved tens of thousands from the regime of Colonel Qaddafi. The Gulf War restored the sovereignty of Kuwait and put a huge international check on Saddam Hussein’s despotic regime.

admin answers:

Except for 2 and 3: I’d say Common Sense.

2) Lower D/A to 18. If you can get sentenced to life, or get the death sentence, and be drafted, why Not drink? It is this way in Europe.

3) We Need copyrights. Just like patents.W hy not protect your work and make money off it?

You may copy anything you want, just don’t try to sell it. That’s the way the law works.

You aren’t Liberal; they are for protecting people from themselves, and No Smoking in public, not even in a privately -owned place, like a restaurant.

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