Your Questions About Free Download Old Movies

Jenny asks…

i downloaded a movie and to open it its asking a password?

it asked to register in paltalk.i did and it said the password is before last word of the second paragraph of the email sent.This was the email.
“””””””To ensure your account security, please
Click Here to Verify Your Account.
As a Paltalk member, you have unlimited access to chat one-on-one or in a group with free unsurpassed audio quality and video chat.
Meet new friends, catch up with old friends or join a lively debate in a chat room of your choice… or create your own room!””””””””””””””””
hint was its a 5 letter word

so accoringly video should be the password but i am not getting the movie.what to do???

admin answers:

U should go to free sites like

Daniel asks…

Easy PSP 3000 questions?

I have a bunch of movies on my computer that are ment for the PSP. Can I just put the movies on a PSP 3000 just like the older ones, or will it not work with the anti-hacking thing in it.

Also, I might be able to download some games for free (I do buy some, but I dont want to spend $100’s of dollars on games, so will I be able to put those games on a PSP 3000 or will the hacking thing stop it?

Also, has anyone found any hacks for a PSP 3000 yet?

admin answers:

It is un hackable at this time.

Put movies, on in the right format.

It should work..

Can you help me??


Joseph asks…

Iphone library rebuild crashes and no backup of photos..HELP!?

Hi there

I have an old iPhone 3g running 4.0.1
To cut to the chase I have been an idiot. I kept taking pictures and saving from various places into camera roll until they amounted to some 4000 photos.
And this iPhone does not have the ability to capture video but I had saved some short movies to my camera roll too using a legitamate download app.

My camera roll library used to die once in a few months before this incident too but it rebuilt itself no problem so thats why I never bothered to make a backup. However these times I had much fewer photos saved.

One time the camera roll died and now when it tries to rebuild the library it crashes and throws me back onto home screen. It gets to about 75% usually.

Now I cant access any of my photos nor can i take any new ones.

And i cannot backup from pc as there is nothing to backup from

I have connected my phone to pc, all other functionality is still ok, including all other interactions with itunes, and i have opened both iphoto and picasa and they cant find anything.

Can anybody help?
I wonder if freeing up some more hard disk space could help i currently have 1gb free
Or is there a manual way of extracting the traces left on phone and rebuillding.

There are many photos of family on here some of whom have passed away recently so i really want them.

Thanks for reading… help if possible please

admin answers:

You will have to try and recover the photos using a specialized utility off the iPhone. You might might try Googling “recover photos from iPhone” or look at the capabilities in the utilities below. They are designed to work primarily with memory cards and PCs, but……there’s always hope.

George asks…

I want to kill myself. What should I do?

I’m fifteen and have no life and no friends.
My mom and dad got back together then he left her again for a 23 year old. He also sold her car to some drugadict. All I ever hear from my mom his about him and she won’t stop talking about how much she hates him and wishes he was dead. It bothers me because he is my father regardless of what he’s done.
My sisters never come see me. My oldest sister is getting her degree and has a baby and a job so I understand why she doesn’t come around but my 21 year old sister only hangs arounf my cousin. She works all week but has the weekend off. I don’t know why she never wants to come see me. I even cook for her sometimes so she will come over and half the time she wont even come. I don’t know what i’ve done wrong.
I dont go to school anymore because I am homeschooled. My entire life is pretty much this. Interenet all day long. I haven’t left the house in weeks! I want to go places but the only person who can take me are my sisters and like I said, the don’t come around. They are always at the mall and the movies but won’t take me.
Since my mom doesn’t have a car or job, we have to live in goverment apartments where its really dangerous. Now that my dad moved out men keep coming around bothering my mom and I. They leave their numbers at our door and the other day I left the door unlocked after bringing the garbage in and an intoxicated man walked right in our house with a lit cigarette.
I hate these apartments so much and it sucks.
We don’t have cable so I watch the exact same movies over and over again. It’s so miserable. The only reason we have internet is because my dads girlfriend claimed me on her taxes and I got $900 out of it.I bought this laptop and virgin mobile mifi. It’s fifty dollars a month but my oldest sister works in a gas station on the weekends and they sell the 50.oo cards there and shes able to get them free.
I’m just really misarble and tired of being at home all bby myself. I used to have a lot of friends but they all turned on me because of a rumor and now I have nobody but myself.
I feel trapped and the only time I ever get off the couch is to feed my hamsters or go to the bathroom. I don’t even eat much anymore. One because we don’t have much money to buy food and when we get FS we never have a ride to the store so we just have to walk to the gas station at night and a buy a few things.
I feel so bad for my two hamsters cause I know they must be miserable too. They must know exactly how I feel.
I wrote a novel because I’m a good writter and I love writting but I nobody appreciates it or anything. My mom doesn’t care about me and only yells. I’m going nowhere with my writting and it’s all I know how to do. I want to get it published but ofcourse that’s impossible. Even if I could get an agent my mom probably wouldn’t sign any papers for me. I just planned on turning it into an ebook so I could download and read it myself.
I just think suicide is the only way to escape this situation I’m in. I hate my life. There are no other options. I’m not going to be smart enough to finish highschool because I’m so behind on school work.. My mathbooks are out of date. So what’s the point? I was planning on going back to schoool next yeaar for ninth grade but I don’t want to get caught into rumors anymore but it would be the ONLY way for me to leave my house. PLEASE, help me. I don’t know how to feel happy anymore. I know theres worse things then my life but to me it feels like i’m alone in a dark abyss.
Someone please help me, I want to be happy again. I stay up all night long and sleep all day. I forgot what morning time looks like. I’m so unhappy. Please help me, please.
I live in Georgia.
And no I’d never do anything bad to my mom. I love her so much and I understand she’s going threw a lot with my dad.
She used to drugs alot too and she recently quit for me. It’s just she is also sad and tired of being in the house. It’s not her fauly she is so angry. I’m the same way. ;/ I resepct her and would never do anything to upset her.
And no I’d never do anything bad to my mom. I love her so much and I understand she’s going threw a lot with my dad.
She used to drugs alot too and she recently quit for me. It’s just she is also sad and tired of being in the house. It’s not her fauly she is so angry. I’m the same way. ;/ I resepct her and would never do anything to upset her.

admin answers:

I’m 16, and I have never been in the situations you have. But I know how it feels to want to kill yourself. You say you would never do anything to upset her, so please don’t kill yourself, because if you did, I’m sure she would be more than upset. Sorry, I just had to say it. And, I’m sorry to hear that you’re life is like this…if I could, I would just make every bad thing in everybody’s life disappear. I don’t know what you could do other than try and get A’s for your homeschooling, so that you can go to college and get a good job.
If you need anyone to talk to, you can send me a message at I’ll answer…and could I read your novel? I just want to show you that some people do care, and appreciate you, and your novel 🙂
I hope that things turn out better for you, and I really hope you don’t kill yourself…

James asks…

why is my Mac Start Up Disk going from normal to full randomly ?

I have a fairly old MacBook, and it is constantly changing how much storage space it claims to have on the start up disk. I haven’t recently downloaded any new, large items. and when the problem first occurred, I deleted a couple of movies to try and free up space.
I started out with I think several GB of space, and then all of the sudden it went down to 297.2 MB! I restarted, and it went up to around 700 MB, but I’m sure that I should have much more space than that.
What is going on?
Should I be worried about a crash?

admin answers:

Shut your computer down, put it it a wagon, walk it around the block, feed it a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, tell it it’s beautiful. Bring it back, plug it in, turn it on, you’re welcome

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