Your Questions About Free Download Old Movies

Daniel asks…

free programmes to download to make a video?

I need a good video maker to download, I like making fan video’s but movie maker is getting old and the videos are starting to look very similar. I need a good free downloadable software any ideas?

admin answers:

Have you ever tried DVD Slideshow Builder from http://dvdslideshow, which contains hundreds of transitions, modes and effects. If you want to make it more beautiful, you can use the hollywood-style themes at the same time. Free trial version supports recently.

George asks…

Where can I download InuYasha episodes Eng Dubbed Free?

I know it’s old and blah blah blah.
Anyway…All I need it season 6 – preferably I wouldn’t like a torrent but if it’s absolutely safe and is free – I’ll think about it.
English dubbed – no subs! And as high quality as possible – HD hopefully.
I know it’s a lot to ask, so sorry!
And trust me, I will be buying the DVDs sooner or later! (Already bought the four movies and season 2 – I download offline, but I still buy them legally!) – But it will take me more than a year before I’ll be able to buy S6 and I make AMVs so I kinda need them….
Please help. Thanks.
I could wait for them – but you see I’ve joined an AMV studio so I kinda NEED them now.
I could wait for them – but you see I’ve joined an AMV studio so I kinda NEED them now. doesn,t work because it was based from megaupload – and we all know what happened there :/ Thanks for trying anyway! 🙂

admin answers:

Try this.

Ruth asks…

Recommendations for Things to do on Road Trips ?

Im going on a road trip for spring break and ill be sitting in the car for a looongg time . I can bring my laptop with me , but ill have no internet . So I was wondering if there is anything i can buy or download off the internet before hand ?
For example i have a few seventeen magazines to read on the road trip . Im looking for something i can either download or access without the internet . I am a 15 year old teenage girl and i like reading sci fi and teen magazines and such . I would prefer free things ? if there are also any movie suggestions please tell me !! (:

admin answers:

Bring some movie cd’s

download some of your favorite games

look at the scenery



Sharon asks…

My family never let me have fun?

I’m 13 years old and I feel as if my childhood is wasted. I’m really bored everyday and I just feel horrible every time I get home from school. On the weekends my parents only want to take me to the mall, the same 4 malls every weekend and it’s getting really annoying. It’s all because our family is poor as anything. When I was 6 my Mom bought me an action figure, to avoid an argument with my Dad she said it cost $5 when it really was $10. People at my school get $10 a day for their allowance and I’m stuck inside being sad and not allowed to be anything, my parents have always done this ever since I was a kid.

I’ve never been camping, bowling, at a swimming pool, laser tag, to an amusement park, had a water fight, on a boat, had cable tv, have a decent internet connection (I have to download things at the library and use their free internet since mine is dial-up), seen a movie in 3D, on a road trip, had a pet, had a games console, been to the snow, play a weekend sport, learn an instrument, have my face painted, had a pen pal, had a pet or even had a birthday party.
All of these things I’ve always wanted to do, but I’m too old for a few of them and my parents won’t let me do some of these things. I want to learn how to cook, I can join a class or and they won’t teach me either. I want to hang out with friends on the weekend but due to how far they live away they won’t take me, I can’t catch the bus either since I’ll be home too late. I want to actually have FUN on a weekend but I never do, ever…

Any ideas of what I can do tomorrow? Because on Monday my mundane life cycle restarts and I just get even sadder and sadder.
I’ve told my parents this. They get angry at me and yell at me and exclaim that going to the mall is fun and that I am much better off than all of those kids who have experienced the things that I haven’t.

My parents then give me the silent treatment for the rest of the day because they say “I’m blaming them”. They are irrational and I want to have fun but they won’t listen to me.

admin answers:

You really need to tell your parents that you need to be able to have a life, and you just want to have fun i mean im surprised they even let you go to school. & if you guys are broke then tell them both to get jobs, and if they cant give you a ride there and back then ask one of your friends moms to pick you up. Mabey its just an excuse cus they dont want anything to happen to you. Thats not good parenting at all.

Donna asks…

Video editing software?

So I’ve been using an old version of windows movie maker to edit videos for ages, but when I got a new computer, I downloaded the new version and it just confuses me. Is there any relatively simple video editing software that is either relatively cheap or free that you could recommend?

admin answers:

Try they have tons of freeware

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