Your Questions About Free Download Old Movies

Helen asks…

Where can I download movies or tv shows that are free ?

Hi. I don’t care if movies are old, when lights go out would like to be able to watch something off my laptop. Where can I download movies or tv shows that are free and save to my pc ? Thank you so much!!!! 🙂
I want to start a small collection and save on disk. Don’t want netflix because my laptop uses modem, when lights go out netflix won’t work-but thank you. Prefer to be able to save on disk.

admin answers:


Steven asks…

Is there a website/database where you can download people’s old home movies/super 8 videos?

It seems like such a cool idea, like a free flea market for home videos, and I’m trying to do a video installation on memories. If you know of anything let me know, thanks!

admin answers:

That sounds like a great idea. Check out they have all kinds of royalty free footage. Just make a search for super 8 (use the number rather than the word “8”) I found some footage you might be able to use. Is free to download.

You have to be patient with the site. It crashes sometimes.

This was my search for “old super 8”

Good luck !

William asks…

does anyone a good website to download movies.?

i want to download older movies i dont care about the new ones that much..

and it has to be free and if you could tell me one that i dont have to register or nothing
i would apprciate it alot.
any way possible legal or illegal, i realy need this

admin answers:

Porn hub

Susan asks…

I need help finding a site where I can watch an old movie for free?

The movie is “Chances Are”. It’s an old 80’s movie starring Robert Downey Jr. Whenever I go to a website to watch, they want me to fill out a survey or download something, but I just want to watch the movie. Please help!

admin answers:

Google is always your friend try it.. Or try finding in torrentz hope it helps

Donna asks…

I’m looking for a movie download site. Easy 10 points?

I want a download link where I can download free movies. Latest and old. But it must all be free with no sign up. Each movie must be in avi format and about 700mb per movie. And it must have good quality. I want to watch it on my tv becuz my dvd player has usb. Please help me out. Thanx every1. And don’t tell me what’s legal and what’s not, I know. So don’t even bother posting a answer if you want to tell me its not legal.

admin answers:

I don’t know any websites…. And I certainly don’t know about limewire and thepiratebay… And you didn’t hear this from me… I blame SOPA

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