Your Questions About Free Download Old Movies

Betty asks…

where to download free videos?

I have a new phone and gave my little four year old my old Blackberry Storm 2. Its not hooked up as a phone, just a toy to him. But want to download videos to put on the SD card so he can watch them. Like cartoons or kids movie trailers or something. Where can I find a website that I can download from. Youtube doesnt work. If it does, I don’t know how.

admin answers:

Blackberry Storm2 have a great screen size (360 x 480 pixels).
. Here, you can use this site to download any videos with any formats. Click
Enjoy :).

Charles asks…

What are some movies with a LOT of nudity?

Ok im a horny guy lol. I like movies witha LOT of nudity. I don’t care what genre it is though i perfer it be comedy or romance. The reason i dont “just look at porn” is because i like to have SOME sort of plot. The thing is i don’t want movies with “some” nudity. I want movies with nudity in like every scene. Think “sex pot” or “Caligula” or even “18 Year Old Virgin” I have already tried the american pie series (decent movies though i want MORE nudity) , another teen movie, and several others. Basically i want to be able to randomly click in places in the movie, and be able to find some nudity. If you know of a porn movie with a plot that i can follow then i guess that works too. Though if you give one then please give me a link to STREAM IT free. I don’t like downloading movies.

also. Keep in mind the plot doesn’t have to be GOOD it just has to BE THERE. (if you’ve seen sex pot, thats good enough)

also DO NOT give me movies where there are one or 2 scenes only, as well don’t give me some crim drama where the dead bodys are naked, that is NOT a turn on lol.

also i don’t want a lot of older movies. I want like 1995 AT THE EARLIEST i would prefer 2000 and up.

tl;dr i want as much nudity as possible without it being porn, and i don’t want old movies.I want a movie that can keep me ROCK HARD through the whole thing.
Female nudity. im not interested in guys.

admin answers:

Watch any hunting show. You can usually catch them on weekend mornings. The plot is to kill animals. And the animals are naked throughout the entire show. Fast forward to any scene: there’s another naked animal.

Jenny asks…

How to Convert movies to IPOD format with Vista?

Hi, I just brought a new laptop which has vista. On my old windows laptop i used Internet Video Converter to convert downloaded movies to IPOD format. I tried to use this program on Vista but once i downloaded it, installation would not work. Has anyone else had the same trouble and what is another quick, easy program i can use that is free to download? Thanks
ok. these suggestions are all great but i want a free version that does not contain a watermark image and the below do. The internet video converter i had was a free program with no watermark… does anyone know a similar program?
I have tried teh cucusoft one that you guys have suggested but ended up with a watermark on the screen, do you know any that do not have this?

admin answers:

That’s the problem with vista..its designed to take these advantages away. I’ve noticed though, that there are many fixes on line for this…I had a similar problem with a different program…I looked it up and it turns out that the NEWER versions won’t work on vista (its designed that way so we don’t rip or jack movies or music for free)…so what i did is went out and downloaded the version before the newest and…it worked just fine!

So go out and try and find the older version and I bet that would work easily.

Susan asks…

free movie websites??????

im trying to find those websites where you can find movies (old and new) and watch them w/o having to download. can anyone list some?

admin answers:

This site:


free streaming movies no download needed, any movie or tv show EVER!!
I haven’t been to the theater in 2 years!

Paul asks…

my parents are fighting? who is right?

Ok my parents are fighting over a stupid little thing and I just need your opinions on who you think is right? My dad is a music lover type of guy and usually likes to play with his band or go to a small local band with his friends on the weekends, that’s all. But my mom doesn’t like him to go because she wants him to spend time with his family. My dad doesn’t really work late on week days (comes home at 3:00 p.m.) but he usually is downloading movies/music and copying them on dvds from forums or sending music to his friends and other music stuff the rest of the entire day. ( he’s started this 1 year ago when he figured out he could download free movies) So i can see why my mom doesn’t think he is paying much attention to his family. But he only wants to go practice music in the band/or watch local singers on the weekends with his friends. He loves music a lot and he also is getting old. so who do you think is right?
yes unfortunately kenshin, my mom is not a social person and she just stay home all the time resting or working/cleaning the house. it was kind of a forced marriage.

admin answers:

It sounds to me as if they are BOTH right. They need to compromise and come up with a plan that allows your dad to spend some time on his music hobby and some time with his family.

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