Your Questions About Movie Download Sites

Chris asks…

what are up to date movie download sites?

where is the best site to watch up to date movies without havin to download them and its not complicating to use.

admin answers:

You can download movies from
Good luck!

Sandy asks…

Is it safe to give out your credit card number to movie download sites ?

I wish to download some movies online which ask for credit card details for processing payment. I just wanted to know if there are any setbacks for such exchange of details.

How do I know if I am protected ?

admin answers:

In many cases the security is only as good as the server you are submitting the info to.

I would never use my PC to give that type of information.
If you really must then I suggest you call them & give the CC info by phone.

Yes .. A lot of people do it with no conseqence, but once your CC info is nabbed there is no going back.

Just give it some thought … Is this really so exclusive an offer that you have no alternative…. Don’t they have these films at the video store ?

Philip T

Betty asks…

do you have any recommendations for free movie download sites?

I’ve been searching for family-oriented free movie download sites

admin answers:

Hi,you can try here:
Download tons of thousands of full movies in HD quality.

Michael asks…

Are there any movie download sites which allow you to pay by debit card?

Most that I know of only accept credit card payment! Mostly things like american express and other american cards!

admin answers:

Love film

Mary asks…

What are some free movie download sites?

They have to be free, NO membership and legal.
I’m just about to give up, I’ve been searching for downloadable movies for 2 full days and I’m exhausted. If you have any other than Bollywood, Limewire, Frostwire, and Rapidshare and some other ones I can’t remember, PLZ PLZ PLZ tell me!


admin answers:

Well, no memberships needed, check the following page, which has a list of free movie download sites. It’s worth a try!


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