Your Questions About Movie Download Sites

Carol asks…

What are non torrent, movie download sites, anyone know those sites name?

yesterday i was searching for best torrent sites on yahoo answers, and found a similar question, where the best answer said …..not to download from torrent due to virus ……and suggested four good sites where you can watch streamlining movies ……it was ok….. but i forgot their names today …,one startes with F… dump .com something please can some one guide me it was the best answer chosen!PLEASE

admin answers:

I dont know, but i know of a site that you do not have to download anything the just provide links to where the movie is on the internet.

It is called,

Mandy asks…

illegal movie download sites are doing a good job , can they be legalize by paying to the owners?

illegal download sites are doing a good job , can they be legalize ? we are willing to pay..

admin answers:

Of course illegal movie download sites can request that the producers of movies give them a license to sell their movies via downloads. Do they have to accept? No. Can you still be sued for copyright infringement? Yes.

Mark asks…

How come the MPAA does not sue Google which provides links to thousands of illegal movie download sites?

admin answers:

Motion Picture Association of America sue relatively small obscure websites like and They get multi million dollar judgments against small fry who dont have the financial resources to fight them in court. Google is a gigantic whale with unlimited money. Google can afford to tie the MPAA up in civil litigation for eternity.

Helen asks…

Can anyone give me the location of free movie download sites?

and how long it takes to download if you have broadband!

admin answers:

700mb per hr on 1500k adsl – if you know how to use the above

Donna asks…

What are some other reasonable movie download sites?

I’d like to join a free one.

admin answers:

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