Your Questions About Movie Download Sites

John asks…

What are some good ps3 movie download sites?

I’m looking for movie sites that I can download movies from by using the ps3 internet browser

admin answers:

An excellent site for movies direct downloads is,
Just make sure to create an account or you will get pestered to download a thing called Codec-V which I think is like illvid.

Donald asks…

Has anybody tried any online movie download sites?

I’ve seen a few sites such as that offer a downloading movie service for as low as 2.99 or less a month, and a little extra fee to download their software to burn movies to dvd, just wondering if anyone has tried it and if it’s worth the money,

admin answers:

Don’t do it. You’ll end up having to pay more money than actually thought. When they say as low as 2.99 that means 3.00 plus tax and that means the bare minimum. Plus piracy is a crime. My advice, use your t.v. To rent ppv than record it and burn movies onto your DVD’s it works and the govt. Cant stop you because they don’t moniter your t.v. Plus if you have DISH, Comcast, or direct t.v. You get those in HD. You spend less. If you have a Blockbuster vid in youre state you will spend $5.44 to rent a movie. Thats at 10% sales tax.

Daniel asks…

movie download?

does any one know any good FREE movie download sites

admin answers:

There aren’t any sites…!!!

U have 2 get the movie thru Torrents …download bitcomet

or download bearshare…and search for the movie

Mary asks…

Any online movie download sites?

I’m looking for a site where I can pay a flat rate and download and watch movies from my computer. I don’t want to download a bunch of junk like torrents to be able to watch them. I’m living in France at the moment, so I don’t have access to normal dvds. Any advice would be appreciated!
Because I’m in France, it means I don’t have access to Netflix. The dvd’s here are coded differently. I could change my computer settings to that of France’s but I’d rather keep it on the US setting.

admin answers:

You should be able to use As far as I know it will work. It is my favorite site because of the quality and no viruses.

George asks…

What are some sites where i can download movie torrents?

I mean like sites where I can download, all torrents for Japanese movies, and a site for all korean movies, and a site for all chinese (hong kong movies). I know where to get the dramas not the movies.

Please Help Me!!

admin answers:

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