Your Questions About Movie Download Sites

Sharon asks…

movie sites i can download without having to join?

thanks for the input on some of the sites, but what i am looking for is a site were i dont have to pay to join to download.

admin answers:

Download bittorrent to your system.
Type the name of the movie you want to download in the search here column.
A pop up will come.
Mininova site will open.
Select the movie.
Download and enjoy.
Its totally free, no need to register and no headace.

Carol asks…

What are the elements to design movie download site like unbox ?

Hello everyone,
I am trying to get the details as what are the basic components for designing movie download web site like unbox. I appreciate any inputs. Some of the things come to mind –

1)Site should have some basic structure of static/dynamic to display movie details, middle ware to process request for users to download, search., etc..account maintenance, data base to maintain the user details, movie information etc..
2)FTP server to host the movie files for users to download ??
3)File encryption ( like DRM) component ??
4)Some customized client software like one built in flash player to watch the downloaded movie
5)App server or any other type of servers ??


admin answers:

There are many talented coders out there that have written scripts for this sort of thing. Some may be free while some may cost you money to buy them. Do a google search and you may find what you need.

James asks…

What legal movie download sites do other Aussies use?

Two years ago I was using a site (and paying per film) that has since been closed down by the officious US Government, wiping out my $30-plus credit. Most of my movies were British-made, so how is that fair or just?
I found out after the site was a shonky East European outfit and wasn’t passing on any royalties, but the movies were good quality and up to the minute. I’m a movie junkie and desperate for a fix!

admin answers:

I use

You can choose to watch it from their site, or to have them deliver the DVDs to your place. Btw, they’ve got good prices too.

George asks…

good movie download sites?

does anyone have any good movie download sites? I am on my school computer so its hard to find a unrestricted movie site.
unless anyone can tell me how to use a proxy? — but the hard part is that when I try to unblock a site, it says “has been restricted by owner”
fuck school.

admin answers:

For proxies try here:

They have around 70,000 new proxies daily, and is Position 2 on the first page of google for daily proxies. So If you want proxies I suggest you go there

These proxies will enable you to download movies honey x

Mary asks…

How can i download movie from best sites which is especially for mobile download?

admin answers:

Try its great……..

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