Your Questions About Movie Download Sites For Ipad

Sharon asks…

does the ipad have a dvd slot?

it says on the apple store site that ipad is great for watching movies.

does it have a dvd slot?

what sites support downloading movies onto an ipad – is there enough memory to store movies on an ipad?

Scuse questions but I don’t understand how something so small wouldn’t cease up with all that data on it

admin answers:


The iPad has no inputs whatsoever, except the optional Camera Connection Kit.

You can buy or sync movies through iTunes onto the device. It depends on the quality of the movies as to how many you can store.

Chris asks…

What size iPad should I buy? (16,32,or 64)?

On my 8gb iPod Touch, I have 350 songs, 30 pictures, 28 apps and 3 videos (movies downloaded off a site) I still have 3.3gb left out of that.

I would use an iPad for everything you can do on it 😉
But wouldn’t put much music on it (maybe 50 songs)
I would most likely stream videos, or use apps like netflix.
But I may buy the odd movie/tv show off iTunes.
As for apps, the iPad is all about apps, so I would most likely have over 35+.
Pictures, maybe 100-200…not sure..

So room for:
– 50 songs
– 100-200 pictures
– 3-10 movies (maximum)
– 35+ apps
– 5 books (approx)

Should I get a 16gb or 32gb?
I have enough for a 16gb but should I save up another $100-$150 for a 32gb?

Im only 15 and money is hard for me to get! (I have to pay for all my own stuff, so don’t say “ask your mom/dad”)


admin answers:

I would recommend 16gb because you probably wont need 32gb for the stuff you said you would need. I have a 16gb and i have a lot of songs, a few films/tv shows 200+ pictures and quite a lot of apps and i have only used up about half the 16gb…

But if you can afford the 32gb why not?

Hope i helped:)

David asks…

Verizon data plans for iPad 2: How many GBs is enough?

. . . if you want to access the Internet for 2 hours a day or less on it – mainly things like YouTube and Street View and web sites – no movies or downloads . . . How much would that cost per month?

admin answers:

Verizon iPad Data Plan Prices:

$20.00 Charge Per Additional GB Used: $20.00

$35.00 Charge Per Additional GB Used: $10.00

$50.00 Charge Per Additional GB Used: $10.00

$80.00 Charge Per Additional GB Used: $10.00

Going off the data usage of my smartphone–which I use for the same purposes you list–I use at most around .5GB a month, so I would say the 1GB would be adequate for your needs. Keep in mind I YouTube for maybe 15 minutes a day, but I also do a lot of other network intensive stuff. If you are literally going to be watching YouTube videos on 3G for 2 hours straight a day, I would suggest a bigger package like 3 or 5, however keep in mind you can still connect to WiFi networks and watch videos on that free of charge! If you think there will be opportunity to use WiFi sometimes and you’re going to take it easy on the network stuff–not downloading movies, apps, and tons of other stuff all the time over 3G, then the 1GB is probably enough.

If you go over, Verizon will inform you with a $20 fee for every additional GB of data usage you go over. So, if this becomes the case after month one, you may just want to raise your data limit then.

Final Answer: Try out 1GB for now, see if that’s enough for month one based on your use. If not, raise later.

Nancy asks…

Website to download movies?

I’m looking for a website where I can download a movie or tv show from a file sharing site such as megaupload, fileserve, etc… And the movie or tv shows should be any type of video file, but it can’t be an archived file , such as rars or zips or .parts etc.
I need this for my ipad, because it can download the files and play it, but can’t unarchive a file.

admin answers:


Joseph asks…

If the hp Slate has windows 7, does that mean that I can watch, netflix, and other video sites?

Or is it going to be limited for these sites?

The netflix app for the iPad is nearly the tipping point for me, but if I can view netflix movies on the Slate then I would prefer the Slate. Hulu would just be icing on the cake for me.

Any ideas?

I mean I have seen it advertised as a keyboard-less notebook pc. So does that mean I would be able to download Silverlight…?

admin answers:

You can watch Flash videos on any tablet using Windows 7, since flash player 10 is available for it. So you will be to able to watch Hulu, Netflix videos on HP Splate. And you can even download Hulu videos on Windows 7.

And of course you will be able to install silverlight on a Windows 7 tablet like HP Slate.

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