Your Questions About Movie Download Sites For Mac

Lizzie asks…

Where can I download the soundtrack of Cowboy Bebop?

The series; not the movie. I can’t find any albums of The Seatbelts on iTunes and most of the sites I found via Google won’t download for me. I’m using a mac

It would be greatly appreciated if someone could send me a link for the music of the series.

admin answers:


Lisa asks…

Is my Mac able to download DivX to watch bit torrents?

I have firefox laptop Mac 10.5. I want to watch some movies off of my bit torrent and quicktime is only showing a black screen and no sounds. So im assuming I need a xvid and some DivX codec for it to work.

The thing is I am trying and I keep trying sites and it says that cannot load on my computer. And then something about a system key. Im wondering if I have a firewall that is causing problems?

admin answers:

First, you ask about AVI (DivX / Xvid). For that, get Perian, link below.

Then you switch gears and ask about “I keep trying sites and it says that cannot load on my computer.” Sites have only five ways to display video:
— QuickTime (you already have).
— Flash video (you already have).
— Shockwave (install the plugin from
— WMV (install Flip4Mac, link below).
— Proprietary player on the server. (nothing to install needed by you)

Charles asks…

Download K-J-T Dramas/Movies free?

Does anyone know a good site where i can download korean, japanese or taiwanese movies free? if they’re K or J, they need to have subtitles.
And I’ve found quite a few good sites, they just won’t download onto my mac for some reason. Preferably mp4 format by the way, but if it’s avi, I can convert. (for my ipod)

admin answers:


Steven asks…


so im making a music video and i dun have a green screen so theres no way to change the background (im using Mac OS X). what can i download to change the background of the movie? ive tried photoshop but that’s only for photos. iMovie (what im curently using) has nothing either. what can i download and where do i download it (site plz?) and how to use it?? plz help! im desperate

admin answers:

Re shoot, or buy EXPENSIVE software to change background or recolor each frame by hand.

Jenny asks…

Which MacBook is right for me?

Hello. I’m having a hard time deciding which mac book to go with. Air or Pro

I’ll be using it mostly for:

– Downloading movies and TV shows from the internet ( a lot) possibly torrent, direct download from premium sites and such… Using Firefox download manager.
– Playback my HUGE library of Anime (90% MKV format) I have a 1.5 TB HDD so size don’t matter now.
– Use it as an Entertainment Hub ( connect it to a 32″ HDTV )
– Browsing different web sites at once from time to time
– Manage my files (Music, Photos, videos)
– Play music while browsing (and doing other tasks)
– Have different applications open at once when needed
– and maybe a little document typing (almost never. lol)
– Maybe i might upload to YouTube sometimes
– NO gaming

The thing is i don’t know how heavy the Pro is compared to the Air. I’m thinking 13′ Air or 13” Pro.

I wanna be able to move about freely if desired without having to worry about any bulky thing weighing me down…

So thats about it! Hopefully i didnt leave anything unsaid!


admin answers:

The best laptop recommendation for you would be MacBook Pro 13″ (High End : 2.8Ghz).

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