Your Questions About Movie Download Sites For Mac

Jenny asks…


so im making a music video and i dun have a green screen so theres no way to change the background (im using Mac OS X). what can i download to change the background of the movie? ive tried photoshop but that’s only for photos. iMovie (what im curently using) has nothing either. what can i download and where do i download it (site plz?) and how to use it?? plz help! im desperate

admin answers:

I think you can’t. Even the professionals also have to use green screen. So I don’t think you can have a better way than what professionals usually do.

Michael asks…


so im making a music video and i dun have a green screen so theres no way to change the background (im using Mac OS X). what can i download to change the background of the movie? ive tried photoshop but that’s only for photos. iMovie (what im curently using) has nothing either. what can i download and where do i download it (site plz?) and how to use it?? plz help! im desperate

admin answers:

First get a image of a color (google image search is the easiest) Then, you need to turn on Advanced Tools. You do this by going to “iMovie”, “Preferences”, and in the preference window check “Show Advanced Tools”.

Then, drag the picture of the color into your timeline. Then drag your green screen clip on top of it. Select “Green Screen” from the menu that pops up.

If you need more iMovie Help visit my website:

Steven asks…

does anyone know where i can make or download a program that can let me make cool music and awesome beats?

i really need this at school they have garage band but that is for mac computers and i have a windows. so if you please know anything contact me. also if you know a site where i can make cool movies also tell me.

admin answers:

Try a program called Fruity Loops.

Rza used to use it to do all of Wu-Tang’s stuff.

Here’s the link:

Mark asks…

iMovie for Windows Vista?

I dont mean Movie Maker and I know iMovie comes with Mac, but is there is a site where I can download iMovie for Vista?

Thank you very much to all answers ^.~

admin answers:

The new version of Adobe’s Premiere Elements 8, is a program so close to iMovie that it might as well be better than it.

It simplifies all the technical stuff about video-editing and publishing processes.


Paul asks…

can mac download movies from the internet?

can mac download movies from the internet like when i open internet explorer i open the web-site where i have videos or movies then i click on the video and the video or movie starts playing then i click view from the main menu and then i select source and notepad opens the web-sites html codes. from there i just copy the link to the file like or wmv it could be any format
and then i open windows media player and in from the main menu i select file and open url and i just copy the url in media player and my video starts playing and again from the main menu i select file and then save as and i enter a name for the file and then my file is downloaded from the server to my hard-disk so can i do all this in a mac

admin answers:

Yes you can. I would suggest you download and install Flip4Mac to view Windows media on QuickTime.

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