Your Questions About Movie Download Sites For Mac

Ken asks…

can mac download movies from the internet?

can mac download movies from the internet like when i open internet explorer i open the web-site where i have videos or movies then i click on the video and the video or movie starts playing then i click view from the main menu and then i select source and notepad opens the web-sites html codes. from there i just copy the link to the file like or wmv it could be any format
and then i open windows media player and in from the main menu i select file and open url and i just copy the url in media player and my video starts playing and again from the main menu i select file and then save as and i enter a name for the file and then my file is downloaded from the server to my hard-disk so can i do all this in a mac

admin answers:

Yes it can. They may have a wmv for the mac but I am not sure. But macs have dozens of other media players.


Lizzie asks…

I have a Legacy Motherboard, and I can’t find the right Usb Drivers for it.?

The Motherboard I have is a Gigabyte GA-5AX (Rev 5.2). Here’s a link with spec so you can understand what I’m working with.

And I can’t for the Life of me Find any of the USB Controllers, Root Hubs, and I forgot the rest of the components I need; but the problem is I can’t use my USB. Long story short. We had a computer, and I used to make movie on this program called “Intel Movie Creator”. From 2001 to 2004 (Somewhere along there) we bought Windows XP and tried to install it. Something went wrong, blue screen of death, someone took the old hard drive out, put new hard drive in, years passed, I get this computer with the legacy motherboard, found the old hard drive, couldn’t use it cuz the computer couldn’t see if it had a file allocation table, got a program to download the files, and I got the program to work again. (Sigh) Sorry about that, just wanted to give you a brief overview of how it’s been for me. So just recently, I was able to download a USB Host controller, and the computer sees it in device manager, but when I press the add button to display some of the additional components in the controller, all you see is something called “Unknown Device”. I have no Idea what to do. Well…I do, but those things are very Risky. So I ask, If ANYONE knows all the usb controllers, components etc. Please let me know, any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!

Also, just as a side note. I’m on a Mac, so I can’t download anything from the Windows update site. So if there is a site that can download USB root hubs, that would be great too, Thanks Again!!

admin answers:

I couldn’t find any either.

One way around this is to download a linux live cd like knoppix or mandriva one, burn it to a cd and boot from it.
If your usb ports work while in the livecd, you check the hardware and write down the usb chipset and driver it uses.
You can then search for windows drivers using the alternate chipset rather than just the motherboard’s model

Michael asks…

Help with Safari Google search?

For some reason when I search for something in the Google bar to the right of my URL on Safari it brings me to some random other site instead… still a search engine just not as good (I think it says “Searching google with Bing.)

This happened after my brother tried downloaded something onto my Mac to watch movies with. Any help?

admin answers:

Try restarting your computer.

Nancy asks…

World of Warcraft Patching problem?

ok so i got World of Warcraft WOTLK and well when i try to play it it takes me to the updater then it says it is download patch 3.3.0a. when it gets to 70% I get a notification that says

The patch file being installed, “patch-2.MPQ,” will be ignored by the game because “patch.MPQ” does not exist.

Then i press Ok at the bottom but when i do the updater just doesn’t respond at all i can click on anything. Then i go to my applications and start up wow without the updater then the intro movie runs with the Litch King and everything but when it gets to the User License agreement i go back to my desktop and an error message occurs please help me i believe the Error message is caused by the Patch being aborted.

P.S im playing on a MAC so i tried to download the patches with a mirror site but they’re all for PC

admin answers:

I play on a Mac .. Have had errors such as this on my window’s machines though.. Always had to do a full install because it wouldn’t accept mirror patches for some reason …:-( …. My advice is to start now and reinstall clean..

I know this isn’t what you want to hear.. But gl finding a Mac fix to this short of finding it yourself… Gaming hates us ;-p

Mark asks…

Which computer and how much GHz?

I am looking for a new computer, and I really don’t know which to buy. I am thinking of buying a Mac Book, as the looks really matter to me. The best looking will therefor be Mac Book Air. But the problem is that it only has 1,7GHz, while Mac Book Pro has over 2GHz.
I need to be able to multitask; I need the computer to a lot of homework so I’m on multiple sites at once. I also download a LOT of tv shows and movies all the time, that’s kind of my main priority.
I’m not a gamer, however I would like to be able to play some simple games on the internet when I’m bored.
I can’t stand computers that freeze up after being on a while, or are broken at once, if it should hit something.
Any serious and detailed answers will be highly appreciated, and you will make me a very happy girl.

admin answers:

You’re falling into the old trap of believing that more GHz =more power. While high performance CPU’s do often have higher clock rates (how many GHz they run at ), a better measure is either the number of transistors the cpu has, though this is often not listed in an easy to find area, or its benchmark score on some standard rating system, if you’re trying to figure out which cpu is better find it on this site , the higher the score the CPU gets, the more powerful it is.

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