Your Questions About Movie Download Sites For Ps3

James asks…

Any free sites were i can download movies for my ps3?

admin answers:


Thats the only one I know that works well and gets decent movies.

Robert asks…

How do you download movies to a PS3 directly?

I just want to go to a free site and get movies to download directly to PS3. (No PC required to use except for the wifi)

admin answers:

Go on the internet on ur ps3 go on search your movie and click it after that move ur mouse to the download button on the video click triangle go to file>save target and on the free space tell me if it helped!!

Carol asks…

is there a way to download movies directly onto my ps3?

i used a site called ps3.divx.blogspot which worked to download the ring and the book of eli but it didnt work for some other movies. and also plz if anyone knows where i could buy a ps3 hardrive for cheap.

admin answers:

You can download movies to your computer, then use a flash drive to transfer them to your ps3. Otherwise: I use a networked download box. Since my ps3 is on our home(lan) network you won’t even need a computer anymore 😉

Chris asks…

where can I download movies onto my ps3?

looking for sites where I can buy and download movies onto my ps3.

admin answers:

As long as it’s a supported format, you can download it.

As for sites…not going to get them out of me, you have to search like the rest of us.

Mark asks…

Does anyone know where to download videos for ps3?

Does anyone have any good sites where u can download movies or tv shows to ur ps3 like southpark, family guy, or the simpsons preferably?

admin answers:

DUDE…… LIMEWIRE?, use a USB mass storage to transfer the files from ur computer to your PS3

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