Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Free

Donna asks…

free movie sites to watch movies?? not download em.. jst watch.?

a few free online sites to watch movies ? not download bt to watch it online… mega upload doestn work so.. :(( help..

admin answers:

You mean streaming movies? Here you go. You can thank me later.


Paul asks…

what are some good free no download movie sites?

admin answers:


Sandy asks…


i have posted a similar question like this before..buti had gotten answers which gave me sites that i hadto pay for my movies!! please..does anyone know of a site that is 100% free..and that i can download movies that do not require me to pay or use my credit card and that isuser friendly and literally just a click away from downloading!

admin answers:

If it’s free, it’s illegal. If it’s illegal, you are breaking the rules in here asking. DON’T ask again as you WILL be reported. The ONLY movie media you can download for free is public domain media. I seriously doubt you’d be interested in what’s available.

William asks…

are there any free music/movie download sites with no charge?

admin answers:


Susan asks…

are there any free childrens movie download sites?

admin answers:

You cannot download any movies or music for free. If you find a websit, more than likely it is illegal because that is considered piracy when you download something without paying for it…

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