Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Free

Lisa asks…

give any sites for fully free movie download?

admin answers:


Maria asks…

Where can I download a free movie?

I have been searching for hours now to find a free movie download site, Im lookin inparticular for the movie Bettie Page: Dark Angel, the movie made about her life.

So far Ive registered with a group and then still been told Im not registered; found a site that has clips of movies half way through etc etc..

I thought this whole downloading movies for free was a popular thing to do but it seems so hard!

Could someone pretty please find me Bettie Page: Dark Angel the full length and send the link or something to me via e-mail, my address is

Much appreciated!

admin answers:


William asks…

Anyone know of a genuinely free movie download site?

admin answers:

YES….free, legal, safe, no peer to peer viruses. At this site, there are hundreds of free movie dnlds, and you can also pay to dnld new releases, but I use the free movies all the time…..great site.
***you owe me one***lol

Steven asks…

anyone know a free movie download site for ds cards please?

admin answers:

Check out
Over 100 million files -DVD,Quality movies,music videos,
tv-shows,games,music & more.It is 100% legal.

Joseph asks…

Does there any free download movie site available?

admin answers:

thats the only one i know

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