Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Free

Chris asks…

full movie free download sites !!!?

Can anybody tell me any site from where i can download free and full the movie ………i dont want the movie to be divided into parts ….i want the whole movie to be like one single file…….so plz help me!!!!!!

admin answers:


Donna asks…

free movie download sites, where you dont have to be a member?

having trouble finding a free movie download site!! help!!!

admin answers:

Here is a list of free movie and online movie sites
You can download movies from some of them. If they provide only stream videos, you can download the movie using orbitdownloader

Lisa asks…

can anyone have sites for free movie download?

I want to free download some original print movie.

admin answers:

Http:// is really good, you can download movies, and other for free, without virus and all are fast downloads.

Joseph asks…

what are some free movie download sites?

please post the link of any free movie download sites. thnx!!!

admin answers:


Sandy asks…

Free Movie Download Sites… Illegal?

Well, through just a string of links, I came upon a list of sites that you can download movies for free. Some sites had high yearly membership fees, and others were supposedly totally free. Now, I’m wondering if those sites are illegal, and if so, what should be done. How can I know if a site is legal (even if it was totally legit and legal, i doubt I’d download the movies, but this just really sparked my interest), and if it is illegal, is there ways to report them? I just don’t really understand all the laws surrounding media.

admin answers:

Check out
Over 100 million files -DVD,Quality movies,music videos,
tv-shows,games,music & more.It is 100% legal.

Or try this:

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