Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Free

Susan asks…

a free movie download site which ends with movihost.something?

before movihost it is something like bolyholly or something!!! please help

admin answers:

Not to sure about that one, but if your looking for a good movie site, than is a great one. That and

George asks…

search site movie download free?

admin answers:

Download is free, but you have to pay for membership
movie download sites comparison here:

Linda asks…

what happened to the free movie download site

admin answers:

I just watched a film on it about 10mins ago. Nothing wrong with it..dont know about downloading from the site, but i watch horror films on it every night before going to bed.

Michael asks…

i cant find a free movie download site i dont want to pay anything..what do i do?

admin answers:

It’s illegal, you know? You can’t download copyrighted material for free. Don’t do that.

John asks…

i need a free UK movie download site.?

i want to download How To Be (starring robert pattinson) and its a UK movie. i dont know any uk movie downloading sites. . .

admin answers:

Get it off torrents then. You won;t just find a site that will post the whole movie to download.

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